
Erection sustained.

And we can have a child-friendly spinoff, Yo Gavel Gavel.

"The jury has found you guilty of kidnapping and first-degree murder - but I got unapologetically laid last night and I'm in a good mood. Three weeks' community service!"

Mad Hymen? It's what douchey college bros boast that they got last night.

Because he gets RESULTS, you stupid People's Republic!


It's good, but it's no Haldeman-as-mailbox.

Knowing Aaron Sorkin, it would be The Hysterical Mob of Helpless Women Flapping Around Ineffectually In a Newsroom.

Poehler? I barely know her! etc

Manic Pixie Dream Girl…Nights.

For some proper culture war drama, they could retool this as a Real World-style show where the families have to share a house with Richard Dawkins, Penn Jillette and Ricky Gervais.

He could have been doing both, to be fair. It's all in the intonation and the position of the eyebrows.


As Spider-Man adopts a comfortable squat, he fails to notice that the entire Marvel universe is about to stage an intervention over his indiscriminate public pooing.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Because you need a better spam filter?

I've listened to the last lines about five times now, and new vistas of meaning keep unfolding. I think it may be an actual recording of Eric Roberts' reaction when he was told what his role would be.

Now I'm imagining some bitter, X-rated Norma Desmond insisting "I am big, it's the pictures that got small."

Childhood obesity. They've been assembled by Michelle Obama.

On the other hand he could get a juicy HBO-style role out of it, if the network is willing to go arrr-rated.

Star Wars Episode -10,000: Revenge of the Palaeosithic.