
He was cured in a series of tie-in cough syrup ads sponsored by Pfizer. Big Pharma is the Hostess Snack Cakes of the Star Wars universe.

I get a strong Community vibe from them, which makes me wonder if they'll ever do a parody episode.

My Spider-Man reboot script takes the franchise to new heights of grittiness. High school nerd Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider. He suffers nausea, vomiting and fever, followed by painful ulcerative lesions and lasting scarring.

So do the 'followers' in this basically work like the unknown Cylons in early BSG, but without the limitation of there being only 12? (Or seven or whatever.)

It's going to be an awkward one to torrent if they keep the book's title.

The name of this segment, which is now over, has been Perd Hapley Tells You Fun Facts.

AV sponsors…Bowie Week.
Keeps me running, running scared.

As is traditional, the Vikings notification will take the form of a church bell ringing frantically - but too late, too late - as the sleek prows of the Northmen emerge from the ocean mist.

I see what you deaned there.

Flailing and smiling are the bedrock moves of all good dancing. (Some of us have never moved far beyond them.)

There is no German translation for 'hahaha'. They are a stern people.

There is no German translation for 'hahaha'. They are a stern people.

I was waiting and waiting for Jessica Walters to get a chance to say 'Lupe'. You let me down, Archer writers.

In my day, we saved the stupid doodles for the margins of our schoolbooks. Also, we stayed off people's lawns of our own accord.

You know you've hit rock bottom when you're in an alley somewhere with your lips wrapped around the exhaust pipe of a cheap Toyota.

If the vampires in the film had managed to take over the US government, would they have been a 'vampire junta'?


I never knew what the glittering prizes were! Very kind, thank you.

At the Convention of Schoolyard Insults, the Mayor of Gaytown meets the Fucking Fairy.