
It's a monumental AVC Community review too - not a mention of Dan Harmon in it. This is probably a good thing.

Shouldn't have hired George R.R. Martin as a script doctor, then. (He only turns in two sentences a year, but they're usually good ones!)

Weekend At Bernie's VII: Hot Tub Party!

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus Does John Waters have an alibi? And if he does, do we really want to hear it considering how disturbing it might be?

"Hey! Hey, listen up. Shut up. In between Empire and Jedi…Luke and Leia fooled around! YEAH I SAID IT AND NOW IT'S CANON! Lucas OUT!"

Harrison Ford is right there with you. Can't you just leave him to his whittlin' and scowlin', you movie gossip folk?

Between unilaterally declaring himself the mayor of Gaytown and now besmirching Wizard of Oz, can we just go ahead and have Franco prosecuted for hate crimes already?

Hot Dog. By Alexander St Claire.

Keri Russell will play Dawn, a single gal just trying to make it in an ape's world.

Ladies and gentlemen, the comedy stylings of Howard Hughes!

And they could so easily have gone for Jon Hamm:

Die Another Day!

Tim Burton. Johnny Depp shows up in a silly fucking hat, the film tops $300m at the box office.

Dan Harmon.

Can't wait for the reprise of that classic scene with a senile, cranky Han Solo:

Sorry, standard curse clauses apply. The Applegates are in it even unto the seventh generation.

Cardinal Francis Underwood has expressed private doubts about the doctrine of transubstantiation. We should have guessed he'd prefer consubstantiation. Don't vote for the con-man - he's wrong for the Vatican, wrong for the Church, wrong for your immortal soul.

Channeling Dubya? "We will bring the entire might of S.H.I.E.L.D. to bear on the Mandarin and the folks who support him. Now watch this drive!"

I saw her at an SNL rehearsal during the NBC studio tour. It was one of the biggest thrills of my young life.