
Reason For Will Smith Turning Things Down #4: He just really enjoys saying "AW HELL NAW."

Despite all Abrams' efforts, yes it is. Now that he has his hands on Star Wars in which to blow stuff up and have quipping, I sort of hope he takes a hard left-turn with the next Trek. Bring back Patrick Stewart to give some aliens a patronising but stirring lecture about humanist values! Those are the childhood

Disco Stu doesn't homicide.

Wasn't Ozymandias in Watchmen sort of modeled on a young Robert Redford? That would have been some great casting, if he hadn't aged out of contention.

There was a lot of dry legal jargon and procedural stuff, but the trial itself was still funnier than most new Simpsons episodes.

"Damn it, you've got 24 hours - not a minute more! And before we send you back out there, you're watching a half-season of Modern Family and you are going to embrace its message of tolerance."

Huh, the label said they wouldn't shrink in the wash.

Oh, yes - she's the Pete Townshend of the 2010s.

You don't understand, guys! She's just deep, deep undercover in the homophobic fucking idiot community, learning their ways and building bridges.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus But from that, can you work out how many degrees of separation you are from Kevin Bacon's penis?

"Just say 'eggs', Charles. You're coming off as pretentious, and the waitress has other people to serve."

The Good, the Bad and the Infallible.

David O. Russell is sitting at home waiting for a phone call, just so he can walk off the job too. Bless him, he feels left out.

Didn't Dick Cheney's wife write a lesbian cowgirl book? I'm sure the rights are still available.

Man lands on the WHATNOW?

"Hello, I'm Michael Fassbender - and I'd like to talk to you today about penis freedom, and why it's under threat."

The trick is that you bring the fox over first then take him back with you when you've brought over the goose.

Ah, yeah. PSH should be cast against type more often.


My memory is a little hazy - is that the Meryl Streep or the Philip Seymour Hoffman role?