
Almost Killed Me still takes top spot for me. Since this is the internet and we disagree, I guess we all have to insult each other now. Blackguards!

We could tell them the bear is just a large, hairy gay man, but that would probably just make them angrier.

His passion project is a remake of Convoy. He's even offered to sing the theme tune himself.

@avclub-f26938e6e7b7f237898b3171c2f23a47:disqus I imagine it went something like:
"Vince! Led Zeppelin's label just called and they agreed to let you use their song because Zep really respect your Acting."
"Awesome bro! Looks like everything worked out."
They clink Budweiser bottles.
Sidebar: I just watched this show. It

EDIT: Replied to wrong comment.

Wow. That 'Career' section should be narrated by Werner Herzog.

"Next up I'll be chatting with Father Michael O'Dowd, whose mother sucks cocks in Hell. Wait til you see his face when he finds out!"

Okay, you're greenlighted for the Boys From Brazil remake.

Fair enough. I don't think there was ever any real decline in the quality of the scripts, the acting… All that declined over time for me was the show's ability to surprise me, and that's generally pretty inevitable in a long-running series when the honeymoon period is over. See also: any conversation on this site

You know Susie Derkins?

@avclub-4f18f486a356810b3ef8008243bcba7a:disqus It's crying out to be made into a very, very dark comedy.
"At one of their meetings, an Iranian came up to [Oliver] North's right-hand man, General Secord, and said: 'What's with this guy North? We just left a country full of mullahs, and what do I find here but another

Like this?

TL;DR: It's a trenchant defence of Benedict XVI's papacy and a call for missionary fervour in wavering Catholics. This is the second epic reply I've got from @avclub-110f08d5c3133981366b5c53ace53241:disqus in a week - I think he's trying to win my soul for Christ.

I don't know… If they cut directly from young childhood to adulthood, would Spielberg still be able to cram in all the daddy issues he loves so much?

Porno: Bone-A-Part Does Europe.

To really capture the mad hubris of his subject, Spielberg will shoot the entire miniseries in the depths of the Russian winter. And the craft service table will only serve raw horse.

Bob and Harvey Weinstein Meet Bashar Al-Assad.

Coincidentally, 'Erroneous Z' is my hip-hop name.

Oh man, I hadn't heard this. Wikipedia tells me we now have to address her as 'Lady Frederick Windsor'.

Seconded. Peep Show has really never suffered any noticeable decline in quality despite having an unnaturally long life for a British comedy. Looking forward to following the adventures of the El Dude Brothers.