
Hell, O'Neal, the only reason I'm still stopping in is to check Newswire for your posts.
And this is the first post I've left in days. (Having the changeover eliminate my other ID and erase my comments really pissed me off more than I can explain.)
But Happy T to the wage slaves of the AV Club—I won't miss you as much

Got them in Texas, but then this is God's Country.

Have you registered with Kickstarter?

Makes you wonder how they missed Chik-fil-a, the finest exemplar of homophobia of all.

The Manson Family? Population control.

As little time as possible, to preserve your sanity.

I read that as "absinthe only." It is green; on the other hand, it's called the green fairy. Swings & roundabouts.

I already drink Lipton; now I'll have to double my intake.

Lucky Van Os, if I remember correctly. He took a shot at acting, but it was painful. Former army Ranger, too, I think.

Yes, indeed. If it weren't for these being made with ground up who knows what, I'd buy them.
I love a good pork butt, but since I'm not in IES Chang's class, I just can't do pig's anus.

Sort of like Tim Curry in Oscar?  A movie so bad that it ruined my friendship with the person who recommended it to me as "hilarious."

But has Simon Pegg been on QI?

It's the biggest audience-participation weight-loss program on television.

Not all.

It's also good knowing that the judge dismissed the bastard's assault charge against Aldrin.
Aldrin was on Dancing with the Stars a while back.  He didn't last long, but it sure was good to hear the applause he got just for being there.

As long as the Russians can get a supply ship up to it before the astronauts on it now have to abandon ship.  If that happens, we could have a football-field-sized bit of machinery coming our way.

Something with Oswald Mosely, too, dare to dream.

I like the inclusion of both poems.  So there.

There was a Manimal.
Dynasty had a spin off called The Colbys, and there may have been a flying saucer storyline.  The actress who played Nancy Drew (I think) maybe was the one who was abducted.
I hate that I know any of this.

It kicked me off the site last week and I've had to go back to my earlier identity.  So I think it stinks, too.