
I wasn't aware that 50's album was critically lauded, but it certainly was everywhere on Earth. The people who I knew that liked it just liked to dance in da' club, so I didn't go any further. There's no connect between people who like to dance and "music" fans.

Where are the metalheads?!

Dave Mustaine's Poetry Hour
Voters anagram is "Troves."

Millions of dollars, young enough to still scale a mountain?
Fuck yeah, I'd retire.

"Triplemurderzord!" Thank you, I hadn't laughed fully all day. Though I did chuckle a bit when you mentioned a guy killing himself because of Jay Leno. Anyone seen "Collision Course?" That show's dynamite.

The Indy Trailer
made the film halfway worth sitting through. Spiderwick was just bland, though it was nice to see computer graphics that took a cue from Nick Nolte's mugshot. Now, that's some quality animation work.

Grow a pair
If you're offended by the song, or by my idiomatic subject line, you really need something better to do with your worry.

Now the writers can write lots of moans for the slated love scene between Penelope (pronounced Peen-uh-lope) Cruz and Scarlett the Harlot Johannson in Woody Allen's new movie.

I would like to make it clear that I had no sarcasm in my post. I love zombie movies and Dolph Lundgren. Really, I do. Sorry SMDB.

Clownfucks. What a great name. I love you. I'm also drunk, so maybe that has something to do with that.

First Dolph Lundgren, then Romero?! Man, I hope this day never ends.

Larry David? Rock the mic! Awesome. If his next movie isn't fucking dynamite, I'm going to kill somebody.

How about putting this up in the news? Woody Allen's new film will feature the "most erotic love scene ever" between Scarlett Johannson and Penelope Cruz.

Oop …
Or maybe that was "Sanitarium" … I can't honestly remember.

No shit, Jake. I still don't know who you are after watching your performance.

Where's the Police Quest love? Come on, now. Arresting prostitutes, typing "take a shit" in a bathroom and actually having it work. Where's the love?!

Oh the good ol' days!
I used to love typing in ridiculous requests to King's Quest and Police Quest. When KQ5 abandoned text, it was a sad day in my computer class

I drew a picture of him with my semen after I masturbated while wearing a shark costume.

Good job, mates!
Pearl Jam is attempting to subvert the Obama campaign. Fuckin' A!

I promise I won't shoot you. Come at me with that rasberry!