
Ah, Talking To Everyone In Games. Someone should start a club for that. Or maybe a twelve-step program.

Oh, I believe you. Just about everything I've heard and read about it indicates that making Dead Cells an exception to my Early Access rule would be well worth it. I'm just trying to be strong and principled, is all.

This is not true, there's plenty of original music in A Link Between Worlds, appearing alongside reworkings of older Kondo pieces.

Also, since the Wii U comes with a built in Wii emulator, you'll actually have access to the much deeper Wii Virtual Console library along with the Wii U's own.

PS4's Classics support is spotty at best, though. Given Jim Ryan's recent derisory comments about old games, I have a sneaking suspicion we might have already seen all of what the PS4 has to offer as a portal for retro titles.

Do it!

The thread in question starts here.

That's what I've heard as well, but maybe there's a difference between porting and developing from scratch? I know next to nothing about the technical aspects of game development, so I have no idea.

After cultivating the Monster Hunter community almost exclusively (at least in the West) on Nintendo consoles for the better part of a decade now, the decision not to localise XX seems like, if not madness, then at least recklessness when it comes to consumer relations.

I fail everyday in some way and I think the only thing that turns a net loss into a net gain for me is admitting it's a feature and not a bug and embracing that vulnerability. I'm sure your kids see your love and desire to do right and with that heart and hearth as your lodestone you'll always end up in the right spot

For the curious, I recommend checking out the comments here for more information. The thread has some discussion concerning various efforts to keep things going after the (potential) changeover.

Well, there hasn't been any official announcement here yet, so I'm (maybe naively) holding out hope that AVC editiorial is fighting for us, for this.

Really, they should have just stuck with the Scorpio name, and then licensed El-P's "Constellation Funk" for all their advertising.

If you haven't gotten that far into 3D Land yet, I seem to recall that the last Special level has some insane precision platforming required to get all of the coins. One of the most exhilarating experiences I've had with a Mario game. Heck, with any game.

I'm having a hard time expressing how reading that made me feel — grateful for being one of the people you wanted to share it with, definitely. I've been sitting here trying to find more words for a good while now, but all of them seem insufficient. Really, I just want to give you a hug (or a /hug, maybe), and say

Thanks for the tip, but since there a couple of apps I can't live without that are unavailable for Windows tablets, it's a no-go. Sadly, since otherwise, it seems like a really good fit.

Yes, the CoC updates return! I've missed these, thanks for taking the time to catch us up. I love the globetrotting, cosmopolitan flavour of your campaign.

All the congratulations on the interview success and job offer!

I'd love to see that Rebecca Bunch avatar, if you're able to grab a pic of it!

Dead Cells looks so good, but I'm trying to be strong and wait until it's out of Early Access. I have enough dang games to play anyway!
Oh, and please report back on your experiences with multiplayer Switch on the road; I love hearing about that kind of stuff.