
Shooter Tutor is very high up on my list of articles as well. Comments-wise, @avclub-669e3876ba6dab37e11e5237f2c8017e:disqus's personal King's Quest retrospective (retro-intro-spective?) a couple of months back is hard to beat for me.

I spent some actual time looking at The Avocado last week. Previously I've just visited the landing page before getting stymied by the layout, but this time I found that master thread thing, and it all clicked into place for me. So while I think I'm going to try and do my small part in trying to make sure this thing

Travel and extra work ate up most of my leisure time this week, but I still managed to get a few hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda in, and I guess that's what I'm going to be playing as I try to kick back this weekend as well. It's been mostly multiplayer for me this week, which was fine, I guess? As I think I've

I only recently became aware of Retronauts, and have slowly been making my way through their old archives. Their availability on the Internet Archive is a godsend, given the state of the actual 1up.com archives after the site folded. I like the show a lot, even if some of the humour and language can feel a bit

While most of the signs point to this being not terribly interesting (on a gameplay level, at least), Serkis' heavy involvement in the games he did with Ninja Theory makes me optimistic that this might defy expectations. If nothing else, he at least has some amazing designers of narrative-heavy, but mechanically

Man, I just imagined a National Treasure sequel where Nick Cage's mission literally would be to steal the gun out of Charlton Heston's cold, dead hands.

I listened to the Starcraft episode (note: archive.org mp3 link) of the original-run Retronauts podcast recently, and judging by their chat about the custom map scene for that game back in the day, I'm sure there are a lot of other people who appreciate your hoarding efforts as well.

I liked your comment a lot, but I need to call you out a little: Don't you think having a completely normal, nothing-out-of-the-ordinary Toad as your avatar is kind of boring?

Admittedly, I have little to no insight in what would go into such a process, but whenever I hear about one of those projects where an old game has been successfully rebuilt from scratch like that, I can't help but feel awe. Being able to do that seems like black magic to me.

That's really helpful! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to lay it all out for me. I guess if I'm ever to get this series, this might be the one for me. Side note; I hope all the acclaim for this leads to the sales that will encourage Sega, Capcom and Konami to take a similar tack with their respective classic 2D

That first paragraph is really great, Doc. I'm in much the same boat as you when it comes to Sonic, but I'd never be able to put it so succinctly and beautifully.

That local loaner economy was strong in my tiny village as well, back then. Played so many games I wouldn't have had a chance to if limited to the ones we could afford. I don't think we owned more than ten games over the entire span of the SNES.

Hey Matt; lovely review (as always). I know you might not be the best person to ask, given your intimate knowledge of this game and (I'm assuming) the series as a whole, but did you get any sense of how this might play for a newcomer to Sonic? I never played it much as a kid, and when I've tried my hand at the games

I've not read it yet, but finding out that there's a New Jack Swing Gateways to Geekery (by Jason Heller, no less) fills me with no little amount of joy. That music was the sound of my late childhood/early adolescence. I still love that aesthetic and sound to bits, but I've never tried really getting into it as an

Fixed! Thanks much for looking out.

There are few similarities between his and Travolta's role, but if you're willing to put the comparison aside, I think you'll find that O'Dowd plays a hard man very convincingly. It's actually a bit disconcerting how well he does at this very specific kind of low-key, amiable menace. Even if he's an amazing comedic

When it slowly started dawning on me who that "boy" Nucky ran across on the boardwalk was, and what those scenes with the two of them, and then the commodore,
was going to be setting in motion, my heart broke in a way I can't remember happening from a TV show. I think that particular arc might have been the true

Okay. I'm not going to try and speak on behalf of anybody other than myself here, because I'm only like 80% lurker and 20% real community member. But the augurs point to this being one of the last times we meet like this, and I wanted to let all of you know how much this place has meant to me, especially over the last

I don't know why, but the idea of CancerAIDS being a real disease contracted by firsties tickles me quite a bit.

Do you think those are the only writers worth reading here these days, or are they the only ones to your taste? Because I see those "the entire site has gone to crap" statements pop up here often, and it rankles every time. Although the AVC has indeed lost a lot of amazing writers over the years, and some sections are