
What if you have a legacy account with a user name that is already taken on Kinja? What happens to the comment history of an account like that?

Hey, I remember you telling a joke that one time!

Oh great, another reason to feel bad about the switch; we'll be robbed of the joy the inevitable Ernie (Kinja Tech) [Parody] account would have brought us.


Very nicely put. This is what the conversation should always be about, and not what is or isn't a game.

Oh, I didn't mean that you absolutely need big resources to involve player agency in storytelling; I apologise for making my argument so clumsily. What I meant to get at was that the way in which the most prominent (or popular) story-based games in the medium today tell stories has ended up in an unfortunate place,

That's great, thank you so much for making that effort!

Hey, no need to apologise; at worst, I took it as some friendly joshing. I know I can come across as overly sincere at times (some may even call it "thirsty"), and the language barrier certainly doesn't help.

I think the walking simulator might be a crucial stage in the development of narrative in games, precisely because some of the most prominent titles have featured no (or relatively little) choice or agency for the player. Given how expensive (either in terms of development time, budget, or both) it is to build a

Edgy as f*ck, bruh

Your suggestion about a Tuesday MAWP-type open thread sounds swell indeed; who exactly is the Gameological editor these days?
And "needing a conversation" makes my lust urge jones hankering for discourse and fellowship sound downright dirty, but I will nevertheless take your suggestion to heart.

I'm playing ME:A myself at the moment (see my main post above (or below, depending on how you sort)), and my experience with it seems to line up pretty neatly with yours. I even tried my hand at the online multiplayer, a first for me, and it wasn't horrible. Although my enjoyment might have something to do with me

Probably my favourite comment of the week right here. Pon.

Thanks for the lowdown; I already have the first Drakengard for PS2, so I think I'll give it a whirl to see how it strikes me. If I bounce off it hard, I think I'll tamp down on my completionist tendencies and take your word for it.

That's really interesting; thanks for taking the time to lay that out for me. I never played the game myself — my only experience with the series myself a brief dalliance with VIII on PS2 back in the day — but after reading this Kotaku article about the game recently, I've been really interested in giving it a try. I

Agreed. It made me even more impatient to start my own remake replay.
Also: however much I do wish Keyboard Geniuses was moved to a Monday or Tuesday slot in order to give us two substantive weekly discussion threads instead of one and another one kinda tacked on to the end of the first one, I do really appreciate the

I will! Thanks.

You're spot on about the sounds and music; the sound design is constantly surprising me this run, and I think it's my added attention to the 3d that's making it pop for me more than it did before.

Man, that is some high praise indeed. Those two are pretty high on my all-time list, regardless of format. And I played both of them for the first time in the last five years, so there's no nostalgia bias involved, either.

This is great! Thanks for taking the time to go into so much detail. I'll definitely be checking back with this discussion when I replay the game myself.