
Which platform are you playing on?

Lovely thoughts on the Ciri/Geralt relationship; I've not played the game myself, but that point made me want to play it more than anything else I've read about it.

That sucks to hear about the interview. I can't say I've succeeded in doing so when I've found myself in similar situations (do as I say, not as I do, right?) but I think the thing to do is try and shove the disappointment aside, at least until you get the actual word back. Rooting for your expectations to be

I don't mind 3D Land's difficulty, it's just such a gloriously designed game that challenge becomes more of a secondary concern. Really, it's the same kind of experience as Link Between Worlds; just experiencing the design and the immaculately tuned gameplay made them both all-time games for me.

The way you describe that impulse is spot on. I'd almost forgot about doing that myself — probably because it only happened a few times, in a period where I wasn't playing a lot of games — but it was ridiculously fun.

That arcade/sim switch sounds really cool. What does it entail, exactly? Is it "just" controls?

Do you have any recommendations for which platform I should use to play those first two games?

Do let us know if you decide to buy a cheap tablet, and your thoughts on it. My old-ass Samsung one is on its last legs, and I'm thinking of making the plunge myself. I really want to get a iPad Pro, but that'll take some saving up.

Although I've never had one myself, the Wii might be my choice as well. Its Virtual Console is much deeper than both those on the Wii U and 3DS, and the Gamecube backwards compatibility is a huge boon. Even though its own native games library isn't the best, there's still enough good-to-great stuff to last you forever

Heh, I didn't get deep enough into it myself to encounter any escalator-travelling zombies.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to disregard the very obvious strengths of that Wolfenstein reveal; on a story basis, it looks amazing. I'm just at a point now where, personally, I'm more excited by gameplay mechanics than story when it comes to games.

Yeah, I know; though my understanding is that this involvement can vary in intensity and commitment (how else do you explain some of the latter-day Yoshi games?).

I remember at least the first season of Supernatural as being pretty damn grody at times, gore-and-violence-wise, but I haven't seen it since it first aired, so maybe my memory is just due to me having more delicate sensibilities back then.

I've heard a lot of not-so-encouraging things about TEW, but your take has convinced me to make up my own damn mind. Thanks!

So, I haven't played a lot of games in the past week (yes, I will cop to watching more than my fair share of E3-related videos), but the couple of hours of Final Fantasy VI I did get in have made me really excited to dig even deeper into that this weekend.

How did you feel about Zombi's depiction of London?

The "one big game a month" release strategy seems very sound, especially if they're able to keep up the quality of those games into the new year. If only they would make a Virtual Console annoucement soon, not even my leeriness of buying new hardware in the first year of its life cycle would keep me from pulling the

From a couch perspective, I have to say Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is the game of the show so far for me. Wolfenstein and its weird, compelling editing rhythms was definitely the best trailer, but at the end of the day, it's going to be another story-based FPS. Nothing wrong with that, and I'm really looking

To me, the most baffling example of this during this year's conferences was Ubisoft's Crew 2 presentation. I had no problem about the opening, Doctor Strange/Inception-riffing trailer, but when they insisted on sweetening every single moment of the following game-play footage with cutaways to close-ups and slomo

I'm holding out hope that the presence of the kid might mean that the series' dog-tired revenge schtick might be a bit more nuanced this time. I don't think I've ever been as disgusted by a game ending than I was with the orginal and its pouty middle finger of a wrap-up. Given how the story had proceeded up to that