
I thought basic cable and (late) prime time network TV in the US didn't have any real restrictions on gore? I mean, have you seen the kind of stuff they get away with on Hannibal or even Supernatural? It's not The Hills Have Eyes, but it should be rich enough for most people's blood (so to speak).

Are you from New Zealand? I've always wanted to use that turn of phrase ("sweet as" and similar variants) online, but I thought it might be too regional to make sense for non-Antipodeans.

Mmm, yes. I was listening to Tyrannosaurus Hives for the first time in a while the other day, and I'm pretty sure that might be one of the best rock records of the last fifteen years. It's certainly in the top ten of notable-indie-artist's-first-albums-on-major-label. Just listen to "Abra Cadaver" GO, ffs.

This probably means little coming from someone who knows flip all about Tekken, but that was a glorious review, Matt. I was going to ask for a picture of your fully kitted-out character, but really, the word-painting in that final graph is more than good enough.

See, I would have said it was No Offence's first series that was the sadly mundane one in terms of plot (seriously, the husband of the copper did it? I thought everyone and their mother watched Broadchurch). I was so flipping let down by that denouement,
given how glorious the first series had been up to that point.

That seems like the kind of process that would be rewarding, regardless of the end result; especially when you can share it with your kid. I would love to see some pictures of the drawings or the mock-ups, if you're comfortable with sharing that stuff with the outside world?

Yeah, that felt like the most pointless of the conferences so far. Also, having a few seconds of dead air between most of the transitions was v. irritating.

Wow, that sounds amazing! I've little to no practical experience of RPGs myself, but I'm always interested in learning about the world-building and game systems involved. In this case, it sounds like everything is geared toward facilitating collaborative storytelling, which is really appealing. I wish I had a group to

You could make a case for the show being satirical of those type of tropes, lampshading the ridiculous-if-you-think-about-it notion of justice dispensed through violence. You could do that, but I think Neil Cross is having too much fun having his cake and eating it too for Luther to really work as a send-up of

The thought of you watching this show is slightly disturbing, I have to say. I might have to send a note to Twilight Sparkle asking her to look into your TV watching habits.

"Really ordinary"? Have you watched the show — or any other British police shows, for that matter? You can say a lot of things about Luther, but "ordinary" is probably the last term I'd use to describe it. I'd personally go with either "weird", "tonally inconsistent", "batshit crazy", or all of the above.

Great, thank you. Seeing as I can't think of that song without immediately scurrying off to youtube to watch the Woodstock live performance ten times in a row, you've now made me waste the better part of 30 minutes (that might sound like sarcasm, but I really mean it, thanks, I love that version sooo much)

I'm baffled by the fact that none of these reports seem to be investigating the intellectual property angle of this story. Surely, Pepe is owned by Matt Furie, and as such, none of these idiots should even be in the position of trying to make money on the character without licensing its use from him? As an indie

Even before Josef came out on stage, I was thinking there was something really familiar about that nose. I'd heard about Brothers, but had no idea know Josef Fares was involved in game development. His Swedish films are well worth tracking down if you can, especially the comedies.

Oh, that's why Griffin's name was so familiar to me; the Amiibo reviews! I'd heard about MBMBAM since when the podcast started on Maximum Fun, and I've watched Griffin's videos religiously, but somehow, I never made the connection.

I can't decide if you're trying to burn me or what, but that was sort of what I was implying. Approached in the right way, a game like that could make for some really powerful commentary and/or satire.

Aww, I'm blushing here. Thank you!

"Trash collector", huh. Someone should seriously make a loot-centric game based around foraging through trash in some big city.

Speaking of DQVII, have you seen this Kotaku article? I haven't played the game, but that piece really made me want to play it.

I won't look I won't look I won't look (but thank you so much for the heads-up)