
Thank you! Do stop by for discussion in the weeks to come; like I said, I'll try writing more about the actual game going forward.

So true. Regardless of my best intentions, some of the time I find the anxious thoughts too loud and obnoxious for me to be able to find the mind set that lets me immerse myself in the experience. At those times, it really helps to just focus on the craft and artfulness on display, and appreciate them on a surface

Thank you for the kind words, and for the Dark Souls links. And I'm glad to hear you got through your own dark times.

I will try; thanks for the up-bucking!

And if it isn't (which it frequently isn't, sadly), it's possible to work to make it fair. Which can be an oddly game-like undertaking.

Most comprehensible, and most appreciated! Also, very familiar. Being aware of negative patterns is important, but so is taking the actions that will break them… again and again. I'm still quite meticulous about the way I play FFVI, but I'm trying to focus on the parts of that methodical play style that make me feel

There's no way I'll be peeking under those spoiler bars, but thanks for looking out! Or, I will most definitely read it, if I find myself utterly stranded next time I pick up the game.

congratulations on the family increase!

(fwiw; when WAYPTW is posted early, I find the comments retain a healthy amount of activity for at least 24 hours)

I haven't really played any Championship/Football Manager since the '93 DOS edition; I tried with the first FM, but it was just too complex — at least for what I expected from my previous experience with the almost arcade-like CM '93.

How many perfect runs would you have reduced it to in order for the event not to feel like too much of a slog?

Not gonna lie, that last sentence made me snort-laugh a little.

Regarding Owlboy: I feel like one of the greatest boons to being part of a persistent community like this, with weekly check-ins, is how it cultivates a kind of mindset where I become more open to my opinions on a game evolving and changing from week to week. Being "forced" to put my thoughts into words makes me

Thanks for sharing the Sprawl session! Those mechanics you detail at the end there sound really fun (as do your players). Do you know how The Sprawl compares to the "original" Cyberpunk 2020 game and world?

Do you feel any difference regarding the uncomfortable nature of the size for you when you're playing with the Joycon attached to the screen, versus the grip (or separate, I guess))

That is some prudent planning for the Pride march! Thank you for going; it makes a difference. Stay safe!

Ah, that's a relief to hear! Although it's too bad that he felt bad enough to have to duck out. So stupid that Disqus just vanishes all your extant comments when you delete your account, by the way. Thank you for checking into it; really appreciate that!

Good luck on the director position consideration!

Thanks so much for featuring my comment, Matt, and for spotlighting the lovely discussion that followed. I really appreciate the Keyboard Geniuses feature, because it highlights how welcoming and open the Gameological commenters are. I'd recommend anyone intrigued by Matt's selections here to head over to this week's

I'll take that into account about V; by IV I was so tired of GTA's archaic structure and bro-brained "satire" that I felt like I was done with the series forever. Though the notion of V having better gameplay sounds tempting enough that I'm wondering whether the above criticisms might be me protesting too much, as it