
Ah, that sounds lovely, thanks for the elucidation!
If hokeyness is the barrier to entry, I think I'm going to be just fine with it. After all, I was this close to thinking Pixar's "Lava" short wasn't lame. I mean, I did think it was lame, but I was kinda charmed by it as well. As I've been told repeatedly by cooler

Seems to me like there have been too many good, intermittently great teen shows (or relationship drama shows, really, sadly) where incessant stakes-raising has become this filter through which we're forced to watch. But I'm finding that I mind a lot less with this show than with a lot of others, because the things it

That makes all sorts of sense. And heartening; both to hear about you working through your own stuff, and the fact that this kind of thinking can actually be applicable to real-world problems.

The best wishes regarding your real-life happenings, whether they're of the good or bad variety.
Also, do you have any notion how King's Quest: Complete Collection would play to someone with no prior experience or knowledge of the franchise? Your lovely writing on it over the last two weeks has made me really want to

It certainly helps, and thank you. While I have very personal connections to plenty of other art in plenty of other media, there's something about the active component to gaming that makes it hard for me to think and talk about it without it becoming personal to some degree or other. Playing is self expression,

I will do my best! And thank you so much for that metaphor; legitimately beautiful.

I think I put about five hours into Planescape: Torment the first time I played it a couple of years back, and I feel about it the same way I do the first two Fallouts: I wish I had a friend who was really good at the combat; then they could deal with all the fighting, and we could enjoy the story stuff together.

I finished the base game of the first Borderlands. I think I'll save my thoughts on the experience until I've finished the DLC.

I say it counts! But how bleak was that ending? And how do you feel about the show in general after that season?

I've cooled considerably on the GTA games, to such a degree that looking back, I'm hard pressed to feel like they were ever anything other than fleeting seconds of coolness, interspersed by brace upon brace of "Fuck this moments".

Those prototypes sound really exciting; what kind of materials do you use? Just pen and paper, or do you dummy up stuff?

I don't frequent any of the other regular comment hangouts on the AVC these days, so I apologise if I'm asking about something that's already common knowledge, but: do any of you know why @Doctuar deleted their account? I was catching up on some of the WAYPTWs that happened while I was away in my exam bubble, and

I'm about eight hours into Final Fantasy VI, and I hope to get a couple sessions in this weekend as well. I think I'm getting close to where I left off the first time I played the game (ten-fifteen years ago?), having reached the Veldt in the prolonged Sabin/Cyan sequence.

Yeah. It's not a spectacular performance throughout (pretty flat in a couple of places), but you have to take it for what it obviously is: a leaked scratch track, probably cobbled together from multiple performances. It does showcase enough of her strengths as a singer to be a very intriguing artifact, though.

No, I think it has plenty of broad appeal. I would bet quite a lot of imaginary dollars on the vast majority of the naysayers in this matter being fans of the original for which nothing but slavish aping of its art style could ever be considered good enough.

Let me be perfectly clear: I upvoted this for the joke. In no way do I endorse the comment's anti-Mod sentiment.

I wasn't aware of the trailer being out, so I went and watched it as well. You're right, I see no reason to hate on this. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, of course, but you can't argue with the craft on display. I especially love the sketchy, un-inked pencil-art quality to some of the backgrounds.

I have no problem with the style, but the proof is in the actual animation. To take a recent example; Be Cool, Scooby Doo!'s art style is close to being ugly, but the animation is pretty damn good — and suddenly, the art style isn't so ugly any more. Amazing style can get scuppered by crap animation as well, cf. Legend

Animation ≠ art style

I know Lindsay's been touting this amazing idea of making Joycon that are basically a Gamecube controller cut in half, all the old functionality intact. Probably a pipe dream, but so freaking cool.