
Given the immense inherent potential in the art form for accessibility, inclusion and education, the medium needs a lobby organisation or something to make a concerted, persistent effort to get its developers, publishers and manufacturers to make this kind of thing a priority. Seriously, stories like this recent one

(edited to remove ill-considered tut-tutting)

"Conventional gamer wisdom"… the horrors this phrase evokes now.

Yeah. The insane initial momentum of the Wii petering out into shovelware hell after a few years, and Nintendo's subsequent failed course correction with the Wii U has (unfairly) skewed the gaming world's view on motion controls. Sony and Microsoft's own relatively unsuccessful forays into the field didn't exactly

Not gonna lie, that former idea made me salivate a little.

The rise of "fondant" as a slur has been most unfortunate, I agree.

One of the more annoying things about discussing cartoons on the internet is how many people say "animation" when they mean "art style".

I'm reading this thread long after the fact, and this is absolutely the best pet peeve.

Eff yes. I'm replaying the first Borderlands at the moment, and some of the jumps you have to make are incredibly unintuitive.

Thanks for the link, that was delightful! No need to apologise about the repetition; getting to watch the difference in line readings between the actors was worth the sit alone.

That's great, and why I love coming to these comments every week. You get these sweet little reminders of how lovely communities like this can be.

Ooof. How bothered were you by those flaws back when you first played it?

I've heard some of my favourite critics refer to it as one of the best single player campaigns ever in a first person game, classing it with Portal 2. I'm not really a shooter person, and I have no experience with the first game, but all the accolades really make me want to play 2. Console or PC?

Maybe that's the reason why it sounds so good — that the 3DS' on-board music capabilities are relatively shit, but that it can actually sound really good playing pre-recorded stuff? I know next to nothing about music technology, so I might be way off base here.

Same as me. I never played any of the other games beyond the first, and I've really wanted to check out both 2 and Tales lately, so I decided to make another crack at this one before buying the other ones.

That sounds amazing; I really hope you'll be able to make that happen.

Man, that sounds good! Maybe I'll see if I can find the original for cheap, and try that out before 2 launches.

Yeah, that probably would have been the route I would have gone too, but I don't have any Wiimotes for my Wii U. I only just found this week out that the latter's Wii mode actually emulates the entire console, including the shop and VC. Which is pretty neat, even though you can't use any of the Wii U controllers on it.

Yeah, surely they'll start putting out Joycon with alternative controlling methods; it seems like a complete no-brainer. At the very least one with a real d-pad, but a Gamecube one sounds salivatingly good.