
Happy birthday!

Thank you for sharing that, and I'm sorry for your loss.

Man, you're so lucky to live close to WisCon! If I had my druthers (and a heapload of money), it's the US con I'd want the most to visit on a yearly basis, along with ReaderCon.

I feel like I write a variation on this every time someone mentions A Link Between Worlds on here, but isn't the music great? I love it so much, particularly the recording and mixing; few, if any, 3DS games sound this good.

I'm playing that at moment (see my own post further up/down the page). Has it been long since you played it?

After reading your comment, I've been reading up on the Retro Freak, and I'm really hyped about it. I understand the need to be a little cagey about this, but you can play downloaded ROMs on it? You don't need an original cart to be able to play a ROM of that title?

Ta for the heads up! I'm definitely not opposed to emulation — especially not when I've paid money for the game twice — but I'm far enough into the game now that starting over on another version isn't terribly appealing. Though I'll be sure to make a better effort when it comes to research next time around!

Nice! What's first on deck?

I'm really enjoying your chronicles of your dad's journey through BotW. Have you considered pitching that as an article anywhere?

From what it's worth, I've heard the dpad on the PS4 referred to as the best of the generation, barring the Vita's. They updated it for the release of the Pro, and it's even better now.

then my life is over.

Are you playing Burnout Paradise on console or PC? I was just thinking about getting myself a driving game, and I've been wanting to play that one for a while.

Upvoted for the (un/intentional?) horrid hilarity of the Sims toddler pack paragraph.

Yeah, that was what I could gather from various sources. EBay prices aren't too prohibitive, but having found a few sound samples online, I decided against it. The music is just too important to me.

Exam season is over, so I'm getting back into some games. I got quite a lot of money back on my taxes, and instead of saving all of it like a grown-ass adult, I went crazy and bought a PS4 Pro, bundled with Horizon: Zero Dawn, (I think I spent around $370 in local currency). So, with all this new cutting-edge console

(The link didn't work for me; in case any of you had the same problem, @TildeSwinton:disqus's pieces can be found here and here).

I'm not trying to reduce the entire discussion down to this one point, I'm just saying that this particular type of rhetoric has no place in it. If part of Clayton's original argument had been been to call into question the intelligence of people who disagreed with him, or who liked the game more than he did, that

Admittedly, calling someone stupid for having a different opinion than your own is pretty mild as harmful acts go, but namecalling still has no place in a conversation like this.

Yes! The temerity of it, to take exception to another person acting harmfully.

Only — the L stands for Luthor!