
Mental Organism Designed Only for Kitchens

I was going to post that exact thing. I know I'm in a distinct minority for liking Episodes quite a bit, but she was great on that show. She was really funny, as well as managing to bring considerable weight to a character who could have just come off as shrill and oblivious in lesser hands.

Unless the producers are intending the film to be some kind of jingoistic apologia for the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, I can't see how anyone engaged enough about this story to want to make it into a movie would be willing to disregard blatant whitewashing. The whole thing's just baffling.

Definitely. I was going to say that I prefer it to Playing House, but on reflection, I think they both show off different strengths of the St. Clair/Parham partnership. The relative lack of restrictions on basic cable allows them their current show to get a little weirder, a little more profane. On the flip side,

I know, right? I get childishly excited by those handclaps. Clayton's dismissal of it was a pretty handy indicator that I could disregard the rest of the review.

Not gonna lie, that final graph made me snort-laugh.

I liked the single quite a bit when it came out, and the way he describes that one is miles off my own take on it, so I think I can comfortably ignore his opinions on the rest of the record.

I love the dad runner so much. Can't wait to see where they take it in future episodes — even if it's just more of the same.

Try saying that five times fast.

I used to listen to the Doug Loves Movies podcast regularly a few years back, but I soured on the entire show because of an episode where Adam Carolla was a guest. I could have said it made me appreciate how relatively decent most of the other comedians guesting on that show were, but his in-your-face misogyny just

Yeah, I hear you. I exaggerated for effect, but it was a careless word choice.

Yeah, there was nothing transgressive about the slant of the material, but I still felt I was watching something quite special happening. Would Minhaj have gotten the gig if the administration hadn't decided to boycott? I'm not sure, but I do think that him getting it was a pretty significant silver lining. Granted,

women in their 40's named Karen who only prey on boxes of riesling

Man, how good is Nation? I'm kind of don't want reread it because I loved it so much the first time, and I'm afraid it won't live up to that experience.

Wait, how many senses of the word "masterpiece" are there? Two?

I dunno, I think that sprawl is part and parcel of his voice. I'm not defending it, exactly — I see how it could grate — I just think it contributes to an effect that's unlike anything else in movies at the moment. And I kinda treasure that effect, in all its messiness.

It just sucks that he's mostly stuck with those cut-rate Avatar artists on the new series; none of them can hold a candle to the flat-out ridiculous murderer's row he worked with on the original Vertigo books.


I'll ride for Dead Man's Chest every day of the week and twice on Sundays; the physical comedy set pieces in that film are pretty damn amazing. One of the most fun times I've had at the pictures. Maybe I would dismiss everything Depp did in it as devolving schtick if I saw it for the first time today, but I didn't