
Were there any specific things about Day of the Tentacle that made you bounce off it? Mechanics?

Breath of the Wild again.

Yep, that's exactly how I've played it as well. Except that I've been even more laissez-faire about completing story stuff, apparently. My play time might also have been padded by the fact that I almost haven't used horses at all. When I need to get somewhere quickly, I use shrine travel, and the rest of the time, I

When you say "a ton", do you mean it in the old-timey Regency way, signifying a hundred? Because I'm coming rapidly up on my own ton of hours, but I'm only two divine beasts and a handful of memories in. The worst (or best, really) thing about that is that I'm not even playing in a completionist sort of way, it's just

If a reviewer sincerely thinks the game suffers from its length, I think it's a legitimate criticism. However, like you said, scope and span is as much of an aesthetic and mechanical choice as anything else when it comes to videogames, and docking the extreme examples just because they're more extreme — not because

"New York's hottest new club is Persona…"

I would go into one of these just about the exact same way I would a TV episode review on this site; i.e. expecting spoilers. What you're describing seems more like the remit of a regular review, not the diary-like approach of GiP. One thing I'd like to see them include as standard in these, though, is a disclaimer at

Yeah, sorry, "trite" came off more harsh than I meant to be.

Heck no, son (or dad, as it were). That album is straight up amazing.

As a fellow Norwegian, I would normally bristle at such trite jokes, but in this case I can confirm that the name does in fact evoke marauding and pillaging even to native speakers.

Given that Toby Gard and the rest of the original Core Design team were pretty incensed with Eidos' rampant sexualisation of Lara through advertising campaigns and the like, that seems a little unfair. Although, given her infamous tank-top-short-shorts combo in the freezing Himalayan cold of the first game, that seems

Hey, leave off with the Tourettes-shaming

So let me see if I've got this right; X was going to give it to them, but then he reconsidered and ran away?

Nevermind that, what about London to Dubai?

What, it looked even more amazing? I find that hard to believe, sir/ma'am. Thank you so much for taking the time to post that picture! Also, I like the look of your character; is that a custom one, or one of the defaults?

Come on, you can't say that about the armour and not include a picture! Pretty please?

That "yeah" had more than a little of Randy Savage about it, I thought.

See, I would have had much more truck with your opinions if you managed to make them without accusing your dissenters of having sinister motives. Do people really have to be rabid, card-carrying partisans for them to have differing reactions and viewpoints from your own? Heck, I outright said I'm somewhat of a

I can't answer the question, but I can tell you that it's well worth buying a used Wii U for. That's what I did, and I haven't regretted it for a second. My lingering gamer's playground mentality (Nintendo rulz, Sega droolz) does make me feel a bit bad for not supporting the big N with all my money at this crucial

If it counts for anything, of the Switch owners in the usual games articles commenting crowd on here, the reception seems uniformly positive. No griping about hardware shortcomings, and a heartening amount of praise for the way the flexibility of the console allows you to fit gaming into the parts of your day-to-day