
I didn't even realise that. Been too long since I played those games, clearly. I guess just the reference is cute in and of itself, but I can't help feel disappointed.

Yeah, they would be the most annoying enemies ever designed, if they weren't so eminently easy to kill.

I couldn't find a hint nor hair of any weird tiny men clad in green body stockings on Tingel Island, which is either trolling of the worst kind, or an unfortunate homophone misstep by Nintendo's localisation department.

I watched the launch trailer after reading your post, and unless it's massively overselling things, calling the game "little" seems an undersell, if anything. But maybe we're bound to see 2D games that way these days? Either way, ta for the heads-up, I'm really looking forward to it now. Those animations are unreal!

Thanks for the list; this is great stuff. Seeing these lists one after the other just makes me more and more confident that the no-games narrative surrounding the console was some hot bullcrap.

Thanks for the list and the link, I'm definitely going to be looking through that for pointer. The sheer amount of stuff definitely puts paid to the pooh-poohing people spewed regarding the paucity of Wii U titles. I know you can play a lot of the indie games on other consoles, but that's a thin counter argument as

That's a great list, thanks!

I really want to get into those Platinum games, even though I know I'll probably bounce off them in a big way.

The first horse I tamed had a dappled black and white coat, so I named it "Dagros", which is the stereotypical name for a cow in Norwegian. I found this hilarious, though I had been playing for about six hours at the time, so I might have been a bit punch drunk.

Cheers so much for taking the time to do that! Your list lines up pretty well with what I've jotted down so far; it's nice to see that my assumptions re what's good weren't too far off.

Thank you so much!

Yes! I'm on my way to the ominously named "Tingel Island" as we speak, and even though I'll be disappointed if there's not even an oblique reference to everyone's favourite faux fairy when I get there, the fact that some words on a map can provoke such anticipation and exploration is one of those design ideas in this

Do you ever need more than 20-30 fantastic games for a console, especially when they're as diverse as the Wii U's seem to be? Like I said to FlimFlam above, I'd love to see a list of your games. I'm putting together a to-buy list of my own, and I'd like to make it as exhaustive as possible. I'm thinking this is a good

I'd love to see a list of your games (at least the ones you recommend), if you would indulge me? I'm raring to start my own Wii U collection.

"Joby"? I wonder if they're sold by that name in Scotland, or if they've rebranded.

I was axe-less when I first got to Tarrey Town myself, so I just started bombing the heck out of those trees.
Speaking of town-building side quests, I recently saw that the Dark Cloud games are available remastered on PSN, and I was immediately looking at PS4 prices. I really wish Skies of Arcadia was easily available

3D Land is so good. It's a shame platformers (especially 3D ones) are relatively out of fashion at the moment, because what EAD is doing at the moment design-wise deserves to be taken as inspiration by a swathe of other developers.

The scope of this game almost feels obscene at times. I think it's because it's so well designed; the mere notion of a game this big being so filler-less seems like it shouldn't really be allowed.

Not gonna lie, that last sentence made me snort-laugh.

Thank you for the tip; that channel seems amazing. I've been getting into Jeremy Parish's videos lately, so I'm really primed for more quality historical- and design oriented video journalism.