
As well as American ones.

You're very welcome. That's the rub, isn't it, though. It'll sting, no matter how right. If your ex-partner is worth his salt, he'll be grateful to you when he gets out on the other side of his darkness. My one big relationship ended in quite the same way, though I was on the opposite side from yours, I'm embarrassed

As far as I can tell, Nintendo hasn't made any official annoucements about how the Switch Virtual Console equivalent will work yet, so the answer to your question is "dunno". It's hard to imagine that you won't be able to play all the Zeldas at some point in the future. The question is whether they will follow the

Yeah, it's hard to be with someone who's struggling, but not able to see or put into words what it is they're struggling with. Great to see that you made the decision to take care of yourself first, though; that's the most important part. When a relationship has lasted for that long, it becomes more about both parts

If you've ever wanted to, getting a used or refurbished Wii U on the cheap gives you access to vast swathes of the Nintendo catalogue through the Virtual Console, as well as the console's own exclusives. All that, plus Breath of the Wild.

That's inspiring to hear how you used one of your players' recalcitrance as motivation, instead of letting it frustrate you. Good DMing! I'm curious, was the cold feet more the player's, or the character's?

Hehe, yeah, like I said somewhere else in this thread, I'm kind of tempted to reinstall it to see how I fare on a FTP-only run. As far as the hour count is concerned, I had to learn the game from scratch, and logic puzzles don't really come easy to me. Also, that's 291 hours for both the normal world and alt-world

Regardless of what motivated the break-up, ending a relationship that's lasted so long must be rough. Hope it leaves you in a good/better place!

Nothing casual about Abe's Exodus; getting all the Mudokons can be really, really hard.

Your thoughts has turned my sorta-ambivalent feelings towards the Arkham Horror LCG into something approaching full-on fervour. I should probably get off my behind and try to find some cool strangers to play with, as I don't have any gaming friends where I live at the moment.

Do update with more 1-2 Switch stories, if anything happens worth telling! It's really interesting to hear how the more unique features of the machine fare in the wild.

Nothing to apologise for! It's not like I don't have more than enough games.

It would probably be a bear to program, but I kind of wish they would make those games with two combat systems: a finely tuned one for normal people, and a crazy-deep one for the numbers geeks.

Right with you on that one. Given how much I came to adore that series at the end, it's funny that I didn't enjoy the first volume at all. I'd heard so many good things from all the right people that I just couldn't figure out why I bounced off it so hard. Then I read the second, and everything just clicked.

I love Nintendo to bits, but their business practices can be mindbogglingly obtuse a lot of the time. Why localise a game in English if you're not going to publish it on VC in the biggest English-language market?


I came over all giddy when I saw you heads-up about the Monster Hunter eShop sale… until I discovered it's US only. No joy for Europe. At least not yet, anyway.

I just bought a used Wii U to play Breath of the Wild. I figured with the number of amazing exclusives that console eventually had by the end of its life cycle (ie. now), it was a prudent purchases. I can always get a Switch later.

Also in the time to come, more indie games than you can shake a stick at. If that indie presentation of theirs is any indication, anyway.

That's fair. It might be worth giving it a try, though. I started out using the stylus for everything, but found out that turning on and off the filling with the buttons meant a lot less wear on my right hand. That said, I've played this a lot. Anyone playing less probably doesn't have to pay much mind to ergonomics.