
I just want more Picross all the time forever

Thank you! After reading your comment, I'm kind of tempted to reinstall it just to see how it would play without me caving and paying for everything after a few weeks. I don't regret paying the full amount (local equivalent to $30 or something, I think), given how much I got out of the game, though.

That sucks to hear about your week. Hope the Zelda-playing weekend treats you better!

Man, the baseball one… I wanted to play as much of the game as I could without consulting guides or wikis, but that one stumped the hell out of my non-baseball-savvy eurotrash self. I ended up just fluking it, and I still felt that I got lucky it didn't take me longer to max out the rewards.

NBA: Aw, it sucks when that happens. Makes me wish there was some grace mechanic built in so they'd just push the count over the edge and gift you the thing when that happens. After reading your updates on the game over the last few weeks, I've taken a new approach to playing that's upped my enjoyment considerably, so

I thought I'd stop my lurking and join in for real with all you amazing people, so here's what I'm playing right now, and what I probably also will continue playing this week.

I think it might be the fact that the comma indicates an extra pause which to the OC-averse seems extraneous compared to what those phrases sound like when read aloud, or when popping up in everyday speech.

I've never heard anyone say the word (which probably is a dead giveaway that I don't watch cooking shows), but oddly, the fact that anyone would mispronounce was immediately ridiculous to me.

Not only is it worth checking out, it might be worth throwing CBS' godawful streaming service a couple of dollars for the privilege. I didn't mind the later seasons of The Good Wife at all, but after watching this show for a few weeks, I'm starting to think I had some sort of TGW Stockholm syndrome. The Good Fight is

I'm sorry for coming off as a CBS shill, but on the basis of the episodes that have aired thus far, I'm going to say that it's actually kind of worth it. More than a few of those are good enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with The Good Wife's best.

Keep spreading the good word, Gus. I'm commenting on a blissfully normal page because of your proselytising in another thread. Thanks ever so much!

Wow, I had no idea! Seems like a perfect fit. And he's still doing them, apparently. Even though the costs are a bit prohibitive, maybe I need to get on this for my next Dresden Files reread.

He did 14 episodes of Veronica Mars, which is more than 20% of the entire run. The mind boggles. Also, it's really heartening to see that a creative gamble on the scale of what Marsters outlines doesn't have to be career suicide if the work is good enough, and (I assume) the gambler isn't a complete a-hole about his

No. Metal has a Nazi problem because artists and businesses close to or within the genre's mainstream continue to use Nazi imagery and espouse Nazi ideology and politics without being ostracised by their peers. Besides, the topic isn't how metal deals with these things compared to other genres or industries, the topic

So what you're saying is "Metal music still has an unaddressed Nazi problem" = "all metal fans are scary murdering Nazis"? That's some reading comprehension right there.

If you read the article a little more closely, I think you'll find that it contains no denouncement of the musical genre at all. What it does contain, is an attempt to shine a light on bad actors operating in the genre, and the unwillingness of its industry, artists and fans to make a decisive stand against said

Yes, Hap and Leonard! I thought it was a good series, elevated into greatness every time the villains showed up on screen. So gloriously over-the-top. Not just funny or outrageous, though, there was something very unsettling about the way they managed to tilt reality slightly just by being in frame. I think I watched

This comment leads me to believe that you haven't seen The Horse Whisperer, Franko.

When I looked at your list, my first thought was "wow, I don't think any of those would be in my top five". But after mulling it over a bit, Murmur started demanding inclusion. My top pick might be a bit controversial, but it was my first R.E.M. record, and it seems to get better every time I return to it. The same