
Given that neon-coloured hair is kinda fashionable these days (and not just for anime nerds), the answer to your question might be "surprisingly low".

Housekeeping note: I put together a little index of all the What's On Tonight posts featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together a little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! posts:

Housekeeping note: I put together a little index of the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I made this little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I pieced together a little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together a little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! write-ups:

Housekeeping note: I assembled this index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I made a little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I assembled an index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together a tiny index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together a little index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together this index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ:disqus 's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together an index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Housekeeping note: I put together an index of all the What's On Tonights featuring @PokemonTrainerTJ:disqus 's Be Cool, Scooby Doo! reviews:

Given how hot MPG is on Pitch, I'm amazed that anyone who's seen it even remember that he's been in anything else.

I agree with just about everything you say here, but I still feel a little bit discomfited that such opinions puts me at odds with the actual creator of the property. This wouldn't be a problem if the issue at hand was the work itself (in which case the opinions of the creator are not to be taken as any sort of

I watched it for the first time recently, and among all the awesome things, I was quite taken with the way in which Tartakovsky and company portrayed prequel Anakin's (and Hayden Christensen's) sullen petulance. I'm not saying that Lucas and Christensen's choices for that character were all that successful (or

I vastly preferred the second series of Broadchurch to the second one, and much of it has to with the way in which it showed the consequences of the detectives' procedural errors and unprofessional ego trips in the first series. We're so used to seeing those kind of decisions portrayed as just and right in our crime