
Although I can definitely see its greatness, YHF has never quite struck home with me. Summerteeth has been my Wilco album since the first time I heard it, and I remain a bit baffled as to how the follow-up has overshadowed it so completely. Like I said, I know Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is amazing, but its predecessor

Oh, I see, you're one of those "sort by newest" kind of people. Whatever works for you, I guess.

One oft-cited reason for people hating the song is the way it espouses the virtues of rock n' roll while not sharing any of that nebulous genre's sonic signifiers. That argument is one of my favourite examples of how utterly tedious some music (or, let's be honest here, rock) fans' obsession with authenticity can be.

The first time I saw her was a bit part in a rather excellent British teen murder soap called Glue in 2014, and even though it's a small role with no real impact on the plot, I was kinda bowled over by her presence. I've followed her work ever since, and I can't say I've been disappointed by any of it. Her double-act

I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, but the middle section of The Hours absolutely slayed me back then. Tragic and romantic.

Thank you, Erik, for linking one of my most viewed/listened Youtube clips of all time. I shudder to think how many of those 9000-odd plays are mine. I especially like Doug's awed and appreciative "what are you, the best?"

Yes! What's more, there are at least three other bangers of comparable quality on the record ("Partytime", "Lose Control", "Can't Stop"). And then I'm just counting the really up-tempo ones. It's such a ridiculously good album.

I was already pretty happy to find new tracks from two of my all-time favourite artists (new Missy Elliott as well as this one) waiting for me at the AVC, but I think seeing an out-of-the-blue Bel Canto namedrop just sent me careening into "giddy" territory. One of my favourite tracks of theirs, for the curious.

As far as revisiting old albums go, I — to my surprise — find myself going back to The Cookbook most frequently. From how that record felt back in 2005 when I first listened to it, I never would have figured that it might grow into my favourite Missy album. Sure, the rest of her discography has some pinnacles way

Going with a track which shows off how effortlessly capable she is of rapping in this current-day style is a great move, at least as a statement of intent. The relatively monotonous flow just makes the places where she switches it up or sings all the more impressive. And "impressive" kind of feels like an

There's something of a perversion in Tarantino's choice of such extravagant tools to shoot this claustrophobic stage play. Even though the Super 70 might have been more fully utilised in service of a film like Django, I think the otherworldliness of the format added a (pretension alert!) liminal quality to the

On which device did you play the first two Suikodens?

Until/unless the culture makes a shift back from its thirty-year-long shift towards scripted TV as the preeminent form of storytelling, Netflix is never going to be great (with "has an excellent selection of movies" as the relevant definition of "great") again.

I can't offer up anything beyond the resources already listed, but I hope things work out for her (and for you). Thank you so much for being so kind and supportive to someone in that situation, the world needs people like you.

Eighteen hours gone, and nobody's thought to offer Perkins his due props for "anti-Seacrest" yet? We should be ashamed of ourselves, people.

You would say that.

I always wanted you to go into space, man

(upvoted for being old, having no life)

You have to deal a lot with Remodeling People, though. Remodeling People are quite often the worst people.

This thread made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks, guys.