
Oof, good question. It depends on what types of game you like, though you can't really go wrong with any of the staples; pretty much every 3DS version of the major Nintendo franchises (except Metroid) are series highlights. My favourites are Super Mario 3D Land (so good choice on that one!) and A Link Between Worlds.

Mazel tov on the 3DS purchase! It might very well be the best console of the current generation (tied with the PC).

Fantagraphics put out a big collection of (almost) all the extant Oaf material last year, and it's predictably amazing. I wasn't aware that Luce already had another book out; even though this one is slimmer, I'm all kinds of giddy to get my hands on new Oaf this soon.

… I'll allow it.

Isn't it a bit unfair to dismiss the film completely just because of the reviewer's clumsy characterisation of it? I'm totally with you on such a point of view being offputting, but from the rest of the description, it does seem like the film itself isn't as one-sided as all that.

Pretty sure that's not how taste works.

Probably the kind of people who get their undies in a twist about review scores ("you gave that movie an A- and that movie a B+. That implies you think that movie is better than that movie. I disagree and you suck") and who think list placements are some kind of declaration of dogma ("you placed this one at #17, but

spoken as someone who's never had an item of clothing ruined by sap

Oh, sorry for the confusion; I was talking about the 3DS title. The perfect blend between 16 bit era melodicism and modern recording techniques.

Totally with you on all of this. Also, the music is spectacular; perhaps the best-recorded of any Zelda game I've ever played.

I wasn't talking about the technical execution of his performance, he seemed to nail that without effort; I was talking about how static he was on stage, the lack of engagement with the crowd and so on.

I normally don't have much time for knee-jerky dismissals like this, but watching that "War Pigs" clip, I concede that you might have a point. I wasn't expecting much beyond a nostalgic tingle and the satisfaction of watching a band of consummate professionals (and I assume, pals) having a good time on stage, but the

To be fair, they had all just showered, and didn't want to break a sweat. Baby.

Blanco and Fajardo do so well depicting the Mawzir there. I thought it would be impossible for anyone other than McCrea to draw that character and make it believable as part of the world of a superhero(ish) book, but I stand corrected. Being able to bite enough of another artist's style without making it seem out of

That's lovely Miller, thank you!


Me too. Comments sections like these are a huge part of what keeps me coming back to this site, even after all the changes over the what, 15-odd years I've been reading it.

I asked @disqus_A3gbuuc0WG:disqus above as well, but since this is an old article, I thought I'd cover my bases: do you have any recs on where to start with Atkinson?

Where do you recommend starting with Atkinson?

Because of your avatar, I started imagining your comment as said by the T-Rex from Dinosaur Comics.