
Spurred on by another recent discussion here, I'm doing my entry on Paul Chadwick's The Complete Concrete.

I've always thought that there was no way to achieve their very aggressive kind of myopia without viewing the world through the prism of one's own butthole, so I think they're way ahead of you.

Well, depending on the artist…

[barfs, tries to get a refund for the entire video games medium]

Yeah, I was ready to be snarky, but even the bland central casting gamers couldn't bring me down. Something so satisfying about that snap sound.

Something along the lines of "the thought of that moody tween in your house casting a pall on your summer fun? Anton LaVey and Associates have the perfect solution for you: Hell Yes! Sleepaway Camp"

Complaining about graphics power? What is this, 2007? …oh no wait that's every year in video games

I agree with you that she's good enough to be reason enough to watch that show all by her lonesome, but Malcolm Barrett is putting in work of a similar quality. I'm really chuffed that Better Off Ted didn't turn out to be his only shot at the big time, and also that he's every bit as talented at action melodrama as he

Being that there are no metrics with which to measure the actual artistic merits of a tv show, arguing this point with you is futile. That said, the thing that really gets my goat about an "argument" like yours, is that it needlessly devalues the qualities of the work that's being disfavourably compared. The utterly

A grand idea, TZ, and thanks for doing the organising work. Life is, and has been, amazingly crap for the last while or so, but I would really like to contribute a post. Pencil me in for mid-/end-of November. If you need to, you can just shift me around the schedule if other people have wishes for specific slots.

So, do you use the library exclusively, or do you pirate?

The Complete Concrete, when I was fifteen. That oversized, original collection took up a not insignificant portion of the chaotic box which was the sole remaining trace of a local book shop's failed attempt to stock U.S. comics periodicals. I fell in love with it when I read it, of course, but it's only in the years

I've never read the book myself, so I can't be of any real help, but here's something from an in-house interview pretty far up the first page of google hits:

Yeah, what @avclub-6eaac84b8b1cdbb855bdad02f8faa344:disqus said. Also, at least as far as Image is concerned, it's difficult to wrangle a Spotify-like deal for their books because the rights landscape is so incredibly stratified, given that most of their creators have individual deals for overseas rights and stuff

So this new YA novel is something Marvel's putting actual weight behind? I never got the sense that the licensed novels they've in the past have been anything more than just another bit of marketplace saturisation, in the vein of t-shirts and lunchboxes.

Come on Jordo, there's always a chance a fellow straggler will happen by and reply to one of your comments. I mean, it is unlikely, but stranger things and all.

Come on now, it was released in 1974.

The actress playing Goff's "youthful indiscretion" was really good in the interview with Raimy. It's always delightful to see sp,e (relative) unknown in a bit part do a distinctive enough performance to stand out in, without coming off like they're trying to steal the scene. Frustratingly, the IMDB page for the

Where's the evidence for that claim? And really, how do you defend basically showing up at someone's place of work and calling them out as dishonest and duplicitous? I can't see anything but considered analysis and well-reasoned opinions, but apparently I've been fooled by a conspiracy that you're going to be serving

Brad was at her imagined funeral?! He was at mine too! That jerk really gets around.