
I realise I'm in a distinct minority when it comes to this, but I found the second season of Broadchurch to be superior to the first. Granted, I wasn't nearly as ecstatic about the first season as most, so my opinion might count for even less. The S2 murder mystery didn't do a whole lot for me, but then again, neither

I can't believe this hasn't been done yet, but…

Given that Marah also embedded non-Phoebe-Robinson videos when they were talking about relationship-tribute supercuts, embedding the Esposito bit that was referenced in the conversation seems pretty non-weird to me.

Second on the love for the interview. I really appreciate how Oliver got him to talk about his collaboration with the artists. Just like critics and fans need to spend more time discussing the visual/technical/aesthetic aspects of the books we talk about, comics writers should be interrogated more about their role in

Is this judgment based on their entire publication history, or just the initial Stormwatch/Authority issues? Because at least in Midnighter's case, I'd argue that there's been enough good work done on/with the character to make his origins close to irrelevant. Also, while Mark Millar might have deployed Apollo and

I'd buy this criticism if it you switched out Batman/Midnighter with Superman/Apollo. As far as I can tell, Apollo has received little to no characterisation distinguishing him from the gay ersatz Superman he started out as. Midnighter, on the other hand, transcended the analogue role pretty early on.

Certainly not in a thread farther up the page.

That's a type of bird, right?

Are one of the Tortoise albums you purged Standards? If it is, I'd like to categorically state that even though are tastes are different, I respect yours completely. Even though they are WRONG

If they are going to be producing pilots anyway, and not ordering direct to series like Netflix, I disagree quite vehemently. Transparency around pilots have been something I've been clamoring for as a (US) TV viewer ever since I started learning about what goes on behind the scenes. Even with the heartbreak caused by

Oh, I know.

Though I find it a bit harsh that the ol' projectile nose-blowing is so frowned upon, even - I assume - if you do it while no one's watching. I personally wouldn't dream of employing such a technique myself, but I have a friend who's highly skilled at it, and he's the salt of the earth.

I've never seen Calgary's demonym before. It kinda looks like it belongs in a bad epic fantasy. "The wise old man stroked his beard, pensively. 'Ah, the Calgarians, yes. Not much is known of that mythic tribe.'"

It's a shame that Ray Stevenson arc came after the show had started its steep decline; it's an amazing performance. Could have been a one-note gangster character, but he brought so much to that role.

See, Mr. Hughes, there is a way to snark without coming across as condescending and dismissive of the enthusiasm other people feel for the thing you're reporting on.

This might be mine as well. Pearl Jam in unashamedly earnest mode is severely underrated.

As far as the art goes: maybe that's a casualty of MG starting up before the latest Image creator-owned boom? Post Saga, it seems that comparable books have artists in a whole other league to MG's.

To have a John Allison monthly as well as the daily webcomic is a blessing I'm sure I won't appreciate properly until it's gone. Though, am I crazy for feeling like Giant Days has dropped off a tiny bit for the last couple of issues? The more Max Sarin is settling in, and moving away from emulating Lissa Treiman, the

We didn't have cable or satellite TV where I grew up, so my experience with all the classic 80's/90's animated toy properties (Transformers, GI Joe, Masters of the Universe, Turtles) came mainly through the comics. Which, at least judging by how the cartoons come across compared to the comics when revisited as an

Ta ever so much for the recommendations! It's really valuable to get a heads up about stuff from the smaller publishers; it's a crap shoot whether something like that will catch your eye or not.