
What other things made you see this list as pretentious?

I'm holding off for the HC collection, since I kinda loathe that single panel DC digital style. I really wish DC would make their direct market paper-formatted issues available digitally, for all the digital series that get "real" releases.

I couldn't even begin to tell you. Even though I've been reading super-hero comics for nigh-on thirty years, I've never been enough of a DC guy to keep up with their continuities. As far as I can tell, the Rebirth U doesn't have a book set in that far-future, Legion(-esque) territory yet. Until that happens, maybe it

Agree to disagree!

The latest Batgirl (of Burnside) was fetishised? I'm honestly asking here, because that passed me by.

Woof, yeah. It's only been gone six years? Feels like a lifetime.

I really wish they had a "just comics stuff, please" button on their front page or something. It's not that I begrudge them the traffic bumps they get from the film/TV/toy sh*t, it's just that it completely swamps the actually kinda all right comics content.

Have you read any of the Giffen/Dematteis/Porter JLA 3000/1 stuff? That's pretty space-centric, no?

Laura Benanti is a frickin' national treasure, is what she is.

It sucks that Viceland is not more readily available outside the US; when they launched, most of the first episodes were up on youtube worldwide for a short while, and I really liked most of the shows, especially Gaycation. This new one looks even more promising. Fashion and feminism, flip yes!

I upvoted your comment, not his.

It's a sad consequence of the sadly-too-prevalent notion that opinions differing from your own must be a result of the much-dreaded bias, and was therefore arrived at in a dishonest and filthy sort of way.

So it's:

Criticism isn't journalism, though, that's the thing. One of the biggest malaises of the fan internet is the misconception that criticism is a form of consumer journalism, and therefore somehow expected to be objective. When in fact, the job of a critic is merely to express their very personal, very subjective

I've always thought it looked better the way Scott does it there. Surely, you'd want the "punchline" after the "joke", not the other way around?

(But really yes)


As if such a thing could ever exist [smash cut to all fourteen seasons of Family Guy]

Haven't heard the new one yet, but if you think it's "actually pretty good", how would you rate By The Way?

Crap, I'm weeping here. Does anyone know if that footage from the top of the video is from Life, Animated, or something Comedy Central shot especially for the special?