
Might this be the one you're thinking of? All of Noel's writing on this subject has been amazing to read; an invaluable perspective.

That's 6.7 million in the U.S., according to the WSJ article. GIven that Netflix has simultaneous release in all other regions/countries where it's available, first-weekend numbers for OITNB might actually have topped HBO's for Game of Thrones (even if you add in native HBO streaming services or local broadcasts).

This is the first time I've clicked on it, and I'm sorry (to the good people of the AVC) for not doing so before, because this truly is a lovely public service. And what is that I spy? A fresh Sean O'Neal byline?

Enon might be my favourite band, if not of all time (probably not), than at least of the aughts.

Two things:

Italy's stuck in my craw for as long as I can remember, but I was surprisingly charmed by their efforts in the opening game against Belgium. The camaraderie spurred by their underdog status (apologies for the mixed metaphors) is a really good look for them. Even if I hadn't thawed on Gli Azzurri, I would still support

I haven't been able to watch any Copa this time around, but ragging on Higuaín seems bonkers to me. I'll buy that he might not have been able to maintain his form going into the tournament (or that Martino wasn't able to get the best out of him), but I find it hard to believe that a player fresh from perhaps the best

If you like that song, I recommend checking out Comfort Eagle, the album it's from. It's probably my favourite of theirs, in close contest with the two preceding ones (Fashion Nugget and Prolonging the Magic).

Maybe they're hiding in the stacks?

Never heard of, sadly. Any recommendations on songs/albums to start with?

As an outsider who's absorbed an equal amount of British and American music culture in my life, it's sometimes a bit baffling to see what cherished US and UK acts are dismissed out of hand by fans from the opposing side of the Atlantic.

Any music fan/nerd/lover/enthusiast who doesn't default to the "Coldplay sucks" received wisdom is okay in my book.

Whoof, some of those omissions shine a somewhat harsh light, if not on Modell's tastes, then on the narrow scope of his record-buying. You hit a lot of the ones I missed, but a few more from my own collection:

I will ride for Long Gone Before Daylight (and, to a slightly lesser extent, Super Extra Gravity) any day of the week and twice on Sundays. If it's not my favourite album of the aughts, LGBD it's at least high in my top ten.

Well, I'd say that the first season of the US Bridge was definitely inferior — having seen the original, the only things that were remotely interesting were the US/Mexico-specific. Thankfully, those were the parts the US producers decided to build on for the second season, which turned out to be quite brilliant, to a

Bay of Pigs! That's amazing. 35 years, and that parallel's never occurred to me.

So it was basically a Germany-Brazil 2014 type situation?

Payet could indeed do it again, but given that France doesn't need a result in their match, Deschamps might very well rest some of his top names.

Anyone else here left cold by Brad Birds almost universally lauded films? I know I enjoyed both Incredibles and Ratatouille when I saw them at the cinema, but every time I hear both of them mentioned as Pixar's best, I'm slightly baffled. I can't really put my finger on why I bounce off those two, either, I just do.