
The result is a collection that features John Cassaday’s Mark Twain-inspired paean to anti-racism but doesn’t feature work by a single black person (American or otherwise).

How's John Flood? This week's the last issue, right?

At least Way's Deadpool run wasn't as bad as his Wolverine run. That's… something, I guess?

Well, if I was one of those artists (and also, not a complete toolbag), I would be more angry with my editor and publisher for packaging, promoting and presenting the book in a way that makes discourse about representation and selection pretty much unavoidable. If you want to avoid that kind of discussion, don't sell

Given the price for the issues, the trade would have to be pretty unfairly priced for it not to be the superior option.

How do you feel about Larocca's art on Vader? I read the first issue recently, and was a bit taken aback at how static and lifeless it was. It might have been a misfire on Gillen's part (from the script pages in the "Director's Cut" edition I read, his choices certainly didn't seem to play against Larocca's

Grant Morrison's tenure on Heavy Metal is starting in a month (I believe), and Avatar starting a new anthology some time this winter. There's also Fresh Romance, which, although theme-locked, is supposed to be pretty damn good.

Thoroughly essential (to me, anyway). I've been making my way through the volumes in the last few months, and it's been breathtaking. I love how unflinchingly political Delano is, and how, instead of dating the books, this approach actually makes them seem remarkably fresh. Delano's prose might be an acquired taste

I liked that one a lot as well, and The Massive (the first volume, at least) felt of a piece with that, quality-wise.

I bought the first issue of Harrow County in the Dark Horse first issues sale (that's still on), and that seemed very promising. Speaking of Bunn, I liked what I've read of The Sixth Gun quite a bit.
If you haven't read Emily Carroll's stories, you should get a hold of Through The Woods (or peruse her web site) right

I don't mind the side-eye from the community (given that I don't really know any DM-comics-reading people in the real world. I mind the side-eye from myself, though.

I hope I'm not getting your hopes up too much; I read it as it was being published as a webcomic, and I haven't revisited to see if it holds up on a collapsed schedule. It worked as a serial, anyway.
I was exhausted and bemused by Ennis' original Crossed, so I don't think an affinity for the property is necessary to

I'm hoping someone here is able to answer that, given that I share your high opinion of the original series. (Also, the first trade of the nu-War Stories is out in a couple of weeks, according to Amazon)

Have you read Crossed: Wish You Were Here? Even with the wildly fluctuating quality ("quality") of the art, that is pretty close to being my favourite new comic of this decade. One of my winning-the-lottery dream schemes is paying someone good to redraw that book.

Really looking forward to Cry Havoc too. Did you read this interview? (It's a good one)

There's a distinct possibility I might have misremembered the cause of my fellow commenter's grief. Serves me right for being too lazy to go back and check the original post.

Another week, another pile of comics to buy (or stare at wistfully through/in a window). What are all you lovely people getting and/or pining after this week?

I've not read all of Ellis' Marvel work; looking at his bibliography, I haven't read the majority of it, actually (Side note: my researcher's heart hates Wikipedia's sorted-by-publisher comics bibliographies with the heat of a thousand suns). Nextwave stands head and shoulders above what else of his I have read,

Ah, those Barr/Davis Detectives are so good! I envy you those Englehart/Rogers collections a lot; they're woefully out of print at the moment, fetching obscene prices.

Thanks a bunch; given how amazing the comics people in these parts are, it's a privilege to be able to sound the horn and have people actually respond! I appreciate you taking the time to drop by the discussion!