
Yeah, I can't spend more than $20 on comics a month these days (often less), so I try to make use of Comixology sales to keep up with things. Fortunately, my local library branch also double as the city's specialist comics library, so outside of the newest floppies, I'm not exactly wanting for comics reading. The days

Stuff like this is why I love this sub-community so much; you guys are pretty damn amazing.
What's the issue number on that Clayface III story? I might have to check that out on Comixology.

I'll definitely do that; thanks for the heads-up!

The sentence about pre-composing made me laugh out loud. Thanks for taking some of the nerd-heat off me, man!

Does Larocca's work improve as that series goes along? (Cf. my tirade above about #1)

An unrelated heads-up (sorry for the spamming):

(A FYI, if you're missing the weekly AV comics discussions:)

A quick heads-up, if you're interested (sorry for the spamming if not):

A quick heads up (sorry for the spamming):

Just a heads up:

On an unrelated note:

On an unrelated note, several weeks later:

I've been catching up on your reviews over the holiday break, and it's been lovely. That interview in particular was a nice little piece!

(Attention comics people: Because I'm a huge nerd, I wrote my usual thing in anticipation of the Comics Panel thread, which turned out to be no show this week. I dunno if any of the regulars read the WOT comments, but just in case, I'm gonna leave this post here)

Just curious, can you get Spotify on your phone in the US without paying for it?

This just in: looks not fool-proof measure of a person's worth. News at ten!

Even looking at this part of the list, I still can't tell who everyone is supposed to be in the illustration (not a knock on Ms. Searle's work, it's a nifty little piece). So it's Dev/Tom Haverford on the left, fisbumping with Leslie Knope; Bob Belcher in the burger window; Steven Universe and the Belcher kids on the

I am flabbergasted that I had to scroll all the way down for a Middleman mention. Surely Grillo-Marxuach's pedigree cannot be denied!
To your question; an impossible pipe dream, but t'would be sweet. Even though I love her work as a reaction shot machine on The Grinder, Natalie Morales really hasn't had a gig worthy of

Stationary minstrels!

Nice list! I'm embarrassingly unfamiliar with almost half of it, so I'm looking forward to checking it out.