
It's definitely worth catching up on; we can gab about the stuff I did after the spoiler tag when you do.

Me, I got the latest issues of:

Threads are up now! At the bottom of the latest Comics Panel comments (if you sort by oldest)

They're up now!

Attention comics people: since there's no Big Issues column this week, I posted a couple of starters for the usual Friday conversations in the comments for the latest Comics Panel (at the bottom, if you sort by oldest).

Some of you disagree with his take on the show, so he has zero credibility? Sounds legit.

It's Thanksgiving weekend, which shouldn't really mean anything here on the northern edges of Europe. But, not to be contained on its own continent, the insidious creep of capitalism has brought Black Friday to our shores as well. So, I might as well jump on the bandwagon and tout the "ridiculous" "deals" in… this

(Because of the holiday, there's no Big Issues this week, so I thought I'd try to start the usual threads here.)
What did you read this week?

Lovely! Also, it seems like the AVC comics comments people are hell bent on convincing me to get over my skepticism re: Velvet. Might have to give it another shot, since everyone agrees that it gets better as it gets going.

Maybe that's Millar's strategy; work with artists of such talent that even people with no use for his writing will be sucked in regardless.

That's good to hear. Unless The Force Awakens turns out to be a towering disappointmen, there's a pretty good chance I'll be checking out all of Marvel's new SW comics on the Unlimited app soon-ish. I hear Gillen's Darth Vader is supposed to be a bit of alright.

I have no problem understanding that Preacher would be the more satisfying of the two, on a lot of levels, but it does seem slightly unfair to compare them, given that the way in which Gaiman and all his collaborators told their story was so fundamentally different to how Ennis and Dillon told theirs.

I can imagine!

Snyder-on-Batman wise, I've only read the first issue or so of the first "Court of Owls" arc, so I don't really have anything to offer.

Had you read either of them previously?

Unless it's completely a matter of Preacher fitting your tastes better, which aspects of Sandman do you think compares unfavourably to Preacher?
I've avoided rereading it since I finished it (what, fourteen years ago?), because I think it kinda belongs back there, in my near-adolescence, but I think I would still agree

I've been vocal on here about how little I'm enjoying his JLA run (might turn out to be the worst $20 I've ever spent on Comixology, if the last two collections are as bad as the first two), but "Emergency Stop", the first collection of his Flash run with Mark Millar (which ran concurrently with the JLA run) was

Sidestepping @fact robot's specific rhetoric and arguments for a minute: given how knowledgeable you seem to be on these topics, I wondered what you think about the othering and/or objectifying of gay men by straight women in general. You point out how harmful it can be to pathologise those practices (and the

"It's kind of gross" wasn't a particularly even-handed way of putting it, though, regardless of your intentions.

I think my experience with Conan is limited to the comics, actually; I don't think I've ever read any of Howard's original stories as prose. Given how fond I am of Lovecraft, Haggard and Burroughs, I should really rectify that. Had you read anything of his before, before starting with Conan now?