
In the immortal words of everyone's favourite merchant; what're you buyin'?

Great, another interminable pun thread, everyone octane like sheep.

Please do! And maybe back that suggestion up with one that they should get Steven Hyden to write it, now that he's available.

Which is/was?

Thank you so much for taking the time to do these recommendations! Out of all of these, The Golden Age sounds like the best bet; I'll definitely have to check out an issue or two of that.

Sorry, I don't have any, I think?

Shh, he has staff-badge-blindness. It's a real condition.

The return of the Book Club would be amazing.

"You know what you did, Dennis".

This is a really good idea, especially since it seems like something that could be implemented before a large-scale revamp of the music coverage in general.

I'd very much like a column like that for football (the other kind), if only in the vain hope of asshole-free discussion of that sport, which is very hard to come by on the internet.

You don't know, it might turn out to be huge. Also congratulations (not to you, him… or to you too, I guess, it was a nice congratulation)!

I want to read that too! Given DC's strategy towards making stuff available on Comixology, it's not too far-fetched to think that it'll show up there in the hopefully-not-too-distant future.

Even dogs love Lying Cat!

I didn't know that the phrase "and then Dave bloody Gibbons called" in an East Midlands accent was what was missing from my life, but so it was, apparently.

There can never be enough hype for Carl Barks comics.

After reading John Parker's lovely birthday tribute over at Comics Alliance, I became hyped to plug the holes in my Moore bibliography. If I can scrounge together the money, Miracleman really should be the first.

I read that Human Target when it was coming out, and I definitely remember it getting a lot of praise, but you're right, it seems like its reputation has faded since. I think I bought it all the way up to the very end, so I should have those non-collected issues lying around at home. I'll make a note to dig it out for

You didn't get any other replies on your request in the Comics Panel comments, then? I did make a pass through the previews for the most recent stuff, but I have to admit that names like James Robinson, Geoff Johns and David Goyer doesn't really inspire a lot of enthusiasm in me.

That's… well, I'm too squeamish to see that as an endorsement, but it certainly makes the easily dare-baited part of me interested. Did you read The Courtyard before reading Neonomicon?