
For some reason, there are a lot more of them than usual, so I'll just skip the preamble, and jump right into this week's Comixology sales!

No worries; it builds on the argument we were having in the thread, so it's very relevant. It's not like you were being one of those people who drive-by-posts a link to their blog with (and sometimes without) just the slightest feign to participate in the conversation.
And you're right to be excited; it's a good, solid

I have nothing to offer, sorry, but I'll be writing it up in the Big Issues comments, so maybe someone will chime in then?

Ain't that always the way, though? Instead of safeguarding the accessibility and using it as a tool to grow the readership of the extant books, they will grow the number of titles until the line grows unwieldy enough to force a reboot of some kind. Indeed, the lesson Marvel learned from their thrice-monthly Amazing

The latter might be it. Reading that EU Inventory made me very nostalgic, and now I'm a bit afraid that I'm going to fall back into the quite consuming SW fandom that ended abruptly a few months after I'd seen The Phantom Menace. SW occupied sooo much of my time from when I was 11 to 18, and then I just quit it cold

I have no idea where that down/man substitution came from, sorry. Thanks for the response, anyway!

I lasted about a third of the way through the first episode. It wasn't offensive or anything, but even my undying love for Nicola Walker couldn't enliven the tiredness of virtually every trope they were working with. I will treasure the opening ABBA singalong for ever and ever, at least.

Nice one, your holiness. I especially enjoyed "My Daughter’s Internet Pen Pal Who Is Another Preteen Girl".

I should be so lucky; beyond pull lists and pre-orders, my LCS doesn't even carry singles. Their business on US comics has apparently gotten so trade-centric that importing floppies isn't even an attractive loss leader for them any longer. So, I'll be buying Monstress on Comixology, when the price drops there.

I totally forgot about Sex Criminals! I might actually be reading too many comics. Does Lazarus get better later in the run? I stopped after a handful of issues; even though I have no problem appreciating the craft involved, the lack of tonal variation started grating just a bit.

That $3.99 for a regular old floppy is really hard to defend for me these days, especially when there's no extra content.
I try only buying stuff with letter columns or other back matter on a monthly basis, or if I feel like the book needs all the support it can get to stay afloat (on that note: did I foist this link

What about it did you like? From the preview, I wasn't too sold on the art; the character work seemed a bit static.

How is Steam Down? (I just assume you read the first, since you're getting the second issue)
I checked out the preview, and it looked pretty interesting.
Also, how do you feel about the Marvel Star Wars comics, almost a year on? I've been wondering whether I should start reading them on Unlimited.

Apparently, even seeing the words "Don Rosa" and "Scrooge" in the same sentence is enough to make me happy (well, happier, at least).

I'm embarrassed to say that I've never even heard about The Puma Blues, and from the looks of it, I really should have, given how, like you, I grew up on those Murphy TMNT comics. I hope my local shop got one of these in so I can take a look at it.

Read the first Manifest Destiny trade recently, and loved it. There was an awesome quality to it, in the archaic sense of the word. For some reason, I had convinced myself it was an Oni book, so I didn't think of it when answering Cap_N_Jack's query.

Of kinda-current Image stuff, I've only read a handful, too few to proclaim what's top. I read Saga, Paper Girls and Island month-to-month (all great in their own way). I'm slowly making my way through Fatale (up to #12, the best one yet); I tried Velvet #1 (a bit disappointed, mostly due to the art); and I've read a

And even if this style was the limit of her draftsmanship, only a real cartoonist would be able to pull off a piece of comedic timing so flawless and native to the medium as the final tier of that "Rice" strip. The way the bubble from the first panel bleeds into the next, the cut off "where the fu" in the last one.

Woof, that's too bad about Infinite Loop. If that time travel/homosexuality analogy is worth explaining in detail, I'd love to hear it. And here's hoping Charretier finds a new project more worthy of her considerable talents soon.

What are we getting/looking forward to this week?