
I talked about this a bit downthread, but my contention is that script-wise, Loeb is content to let his artists do all his heavy lifting for him. If you read a good Loeb comic, chances are that it's pretty much completely due to the work of whoever he's collaborating with. For all I know, Loeb is an all-round great

I've developed this (admittedly half-baked) theory that Loeb must script old-school Marvel style. I can't see any other explanation for why his work seems so dependent on the storytelling skills of his artists. Given the industry change towards full script, it also kind of explains why so much of his writing comes off

Crap, I really should have thrown a NSFW on there, shouldn't I? Sorry, sir/ma'am.

I'd appreciate that! Have not read Waid's Hulk run as of yet, as I'm three years or so behind on my Marvel (Unlimited) reading.

Ah, Gillen's JiM. Do believe the hype.

I wasn't aware of The Judas Coin, but looking at the samples in this review it's hard not to excited about it. I was really disappointed in the scattered work Simonson did for Marvel around 2010, but here he looks so much sharper than he did just a couple of years prior. I think a lot of it can be attributed to the

I'm trying to hold out on buying Monstress until the price drop, but all these positive reviews and recommendations are making it really hard to wait.

I'm making the habit of combing through the previews pages for most of the new releases on Comixology each week, and the ones for that Constantine issue were pretty amazing. How much does this new series build on other New 52 stuff?

I need to get on SMMC; I read This One Summer a couple of months back, and really loved it. Tamaki's such an amazing cartoonist. Did you catch her new webcomic?

Also, a lot of comic shops also have Comixology store fronts, so you can throw your favoured business a couple of cents every time you buy digital. I use the legendary (Nottingham-based) Page 45's version. You can't use these store fronts for in-app purchases, though, but the inconvenience of buying in the browser is

I'm sure I only feel this way because I'm not a DC guy, but putting Shaner on one of these continuity-ridden event books seems such a waste.

I think I like her style, but it's damn near impossible to tell anything about her storytelling and/or character chops from the Comixology preview (three fairly static single panels). Is she any good?

Once again, let's dig into the week's Comixology sales. I'll be offering up my own thoughts on the various options available, though I'm mostly doing this in the hopes that you all will be tempted to supply me with recommendations, since a few years of sporadic comics reading has left me with some glaring holes in my

That sounds really interesting; maybe I'll start in on that when I finish the Supergirl run. Have you read his Young Justice? That was around the same time, as well, wasn't it?

After the recent Comixology sale, I've been reading David's Supergirl run, which he was doing concurrently with Aquaman. It's a solid book as well. My main previous experience with his writing was with his second X-Factor stint, and it was interesting to see the differences in approach. There's the same kind of

Man, that sounds great. I was too poor to hop on the subscription offer when it was on last time, and I've been drooling over the issues as the reviews and pictures have been popping up online. Did you catch the announcement of the new season over at The Comics Reporter the other day? Looks super strong; I really hope

Sorry to hear that, man. Although I found it a bit daunting at first, taking part in this little AVC comics community without having the money to keep up with all the current stuff has proven to be no hassle. Dig into that pile of unread stuff on your shelf, and come here and chat about that if you need to let off

I dunno, I appreciate the choice to focus in on the execution instead of the story. The review could have used maybe a couple of sentences about setting and story, perhaps, but given how depressingly little space form is given in your average comics review, I have no problem with an aggressive effort in the opposite

Indeed. I'm pretty sure it should be "the person what killed my mother", though I'm not a native English speaker, so don't take that as gospel.
Also, every time a show does one of those intros that starts with "My name is Name McName", I expect the next line to be "I used to be a spy". I'm sure Burn Notice wasn't the