
I had no idea those annotations existed, but that sounds even more disheartening than the off-hand comments I'd read about the subject.

It annoys me how far Big Issues travels down the front page in the space of a day, especially given how the vast majority of the items supplanting it are Great Job Internets and other dross. I really don't understand how AV Club editorial are able to defend paying for critical writing when a piece like this one is

I felt like R Fiore nailed Satellite Sam pretty thoroughly in this TCJ review.

Amazing as always, Oliver.

Left it out from what? Was there a place where it was natural to mention QC in that review?

Don't you think that feeling might have just as much (if not more) to do with the state of the internet as the quality of the work? The fact is that we don't communicate in the same way as we did in that perceived golden age of webcomics. So much of that time was to do with the way we interacted with each other as

I can't tell you how much this gossip means to me and various past versions of myself, tragically hung up on old mutant books, forever asking "what the living eff happened to this Chris Bachalo".
On a more serious note, your info just makes me even more grateful for the exceptional work we did get from the two of them

Kaltenborn not afraid to ask the tough questions. Who's the burnt one, indeed.

Never heard of it; the colours look awful pretty though. Bookmarked.

Even Zainab leaving can't shake the utter quality of the AV Club comics content; it's really making me greedy for more. Specifically, Caitlin's lovely Broken Telephone review had me daydreaming about a regular, Podmass-style webcomics column. It's always been an incredibly fragmented field, and with the advent of

Aww, your sister sounds pretty cool! Given that I'm just a dilettante who's never read any UY beyond the collection in question, I'm tempted to send her my hardcovers in the mail right this minute, since they surely would be more at home with a true fan. Though I have a sneaking suspicion that the shipping costs over

I actually have the hardcover edition mentioned in the article sitting on my shelf. Currently, the lowest price of the four sellers listing it on Amazon (a "good" copy) is $2,800. Really great that Fantagraphics went about reissuing it, even if it's only in paperback.

And… where do you feel it?

Generation Next, along with the first few issues Generation X, still looks amazing. I know it's a matter of taste, and that Bachalo (at least in my eyes) has made something of a recovery in the last five years, but I still hold that he hasn't been better since that early nineties period. Maybe Mark Buckingham was the

Yes. Consider me thoroughly chastened. I'll certainly never again have the temerity to make out that I sometimes fancy men any more/less than I do most of the time.

You're going to have to explain a little better how I offended you, sir/ma'am. I had no intention of making fun or yours or anyone else's sexuality, other than my own, perhaps. All I meant to say, in a facetious way, is that parts of my sexuality that aren't normally very active, are quite thoroughly engaged by these

Pfft, now you're just pulling my leg. Something that absurd would surely never happen in comic books!

Yep. It's an argument that I've made countless times in the real world. As soon as you start giving space to girls, soon you're going to have to afford the same to dogs and horses. And then what?

Counterpoint on the fifth season: although parts were rough, it was probably my second favourite season, after the fourth. I can sort of see where Dr J here is coming from, but it's still very far from the way I view the show. Ian, Frank and Fiona's story lines worked very well for me, and that was enough for me. The

Let's see; the two release dates on either side of my birthday has Escape From New York, The Fox and the Hound, Arthur, Endless Love, and… Zorro, The Gay Blade. I feel very okay with that selection.