
Thanks so much for the pointers; I'll be on the lookout for these. And I've been meaning to try out SC; appreciate the push!

Of course, "well enough off" in a context like this doesn't mean you're not poor. It just means you're not dirt poor.

Yes, Diane was convinced Alicia had betrayed her, but you must have had to squint quite profusely in order to believe that the show agreed with Diane. The misunderstanding that led to Diane's rage was pretty clearly shown, and portrayed as such.

Yes. Any other day of the week, I'm quite far down on the Kinsey scale, but between JDM here and Justin Theroux on The Leftovers, on Sundays I might as well be a 6.

yes, this is dog doctor who

Why, I ask you, why?!

It's because of people like you that we didn't get to witness the glory of Follow the Rules as top pick! I hope you're proud of yourself.

I'm with you on this, a hundred percent. Mind, I'm so wary of having my opinion of an episode affected by someone else's that I've avoided the front page for quite a while because the TV section posts letter grades there for the most recent reviews. Yes, I realise this is a rather worrying degree of spoilerphobia.

Why? Because it curtails ogling?

Man, how good would it have been if Arrow had taken some inspiration from the Kate Spencer Manhunter when writing Laurel Lance? Would have fit really well with where they decided to take the character. Not sure if any amount of improved writing would make Katie Cassidy right for the role, though.

Obscenely convenient shipping… that's, what, advocating that two characters get together that the fiction in question already clearly plans on getting together? In an obscene way?

Thank you, I appreciate that!
Regarding Seven Soldiers; it's pretty much the definition of "hard to follow", but for me, that was part and parcel of the experience. I have very little knowledge of DC lore, so I have no way of knowing whether the experience would be different for someone who grew up on that universe. I


I've had the first episode of SvtFoE on my HD for… how long has it been since it premiered? I think you just prompted me to give it a chance.

That sounds really interesting; I hope it makes its way out beyond your borders. I can't remember hearing about (much less seeing) a non-Verhoeven Dutch film.

Congrats on the new job and new town! Is it long move?

Here's a link to the html version of the story, for the pdf-averse.

He'd done one-off roles on a lot of shows, but this looks like his first stint as a regular. Thirty-odd year into his career, that has to be an amazing break. Although it's hard to tell whether an actor has done a lot of theatre or not from their IMDB page.

Was John Gielgud's one of the recognisable faces?

One take on Atticus in Go Set that I found really illuminating was Alyssa Rosenberg's. Her perspective was that although heartbreaking, Atticus' racism in Go Set is believable and in character. It just so happens that he's a racist who sets his respect and belief in the law higher than his own prejudices. That point