
And a completely unsurprising film to inspire the title of an R.E.M. song.

I've been trying to start a regular thread on the Comixology sales over in the Big Issues comments, but have not had too many takers (more last week than this week), so you might be right in it not being the most kosher of topics.
Anyway, the Morrison sale has made me realise that I've read extremely few of his books.

Do you have any recommendations of where to start with Wonder Woman? Being a (former) Marvel man, I haven't really read any of her books, aside from appearances in the few DC books I've happened upon here and there. Sadly (tellingly?), WW's catalogue seems to lack those canonised works (cf Arkham Asylum, All-Star

The other day, I came across this track, from one of the more unsung post-Green, pre-Nicks/Buckingham records, and I was pretty bowled over by it.

I know, right? I'd forgotten how much I love that Loony Tunes canary Mr. Hyde thing.

By that logic, wouldn't you loving the trailer mean that the show is going to be awful? If it is, I'm blaming you. (not really)

The new JL8 was good. Less good: inadvertently finding out about the reason for the hiatus.

I was really anxious to see how the new artist shook out on GD, but I think I was won over by the end. It's weird to see someone else riffing on Treiman's style, especially given how Treiman's initial remit was (I assume) to riff on Allison's style. My favourite parts were Esther's quest to blag instant bible

Yeah, that's weird. You'd think she would be a shoe-in for one of these high profile Image creator-owned titles, especially given the consistency she showed throughout the Y run.

This week's Comixology sales:


Was "Rhino" capitalised like that? And if so, was it a reference to the Spider-Man villain? I know what you're going to say, the indefinite article indicates typo, but remember, there has indeed been more than one Rhino.

I know you jest, and it's true; on the surface they shows don't have anything in common at all, but, I dunno, there's just something about the ways in which both shows insist on grabbing the back of my head and shoving my face into some of the most uncomfortable aspects of being alive, that are quite similar.

I don't want to get caught in an infinite gratitude loop here, but screw it: your own kind words made a lovely start to a day that desperately needed it, and so: Thank you so much for, um, the thanks.

I absolutely agree with you on both Burrows and Ryp, but strenuously disagree regarding that Wolverine book. I don't know if you read all of it or not, but I can't recommend it enough. Once I got used to the very strange tone, I was won over in a big way. Huston seemed to tailor his approach to Ryp's (hyperdetailed

Great news on the trade! Also, I would gladly fork out for a formatted-for-tablet digital version. You'd have to be pretty damn churlish to cry ripoff of such a venture, especially if the paid digital version were to exist simultaneously with the free webcomic.

You post prompted me to plow through the entire Henchgirl archive, which was an utter delight. A bit disorienting, especially when the redrawn stuff ends, and you're jolted back to an earlier version of her style mid-story — but perhaps an even more delightful, unexpected way to experience the evolution of an artist.

That's great! Did they really sketch and sign standing up like that, holding the books? Or did you just capture the moment of the hand-off?

Nice post, especially the last couple of graphs (I guess that's what the upvote button is for, but eff it, I'm doubling down).

Inter-libary loan a no go as well?