
Yeah, the fact that you're basically just renting the non-backupable purchases is pretty grim. Like I do when faced with most other harsh truths facing the modern consumer (all of them, basically) I just whistle and remind myself that we'll all be dead soon, and it won't matter one bit.

I found this review of Über at the Mindless Ones, from pretty early in its run; with the added bonus of Gillen contributions in the comments. It definitely made me more interested in reading the book, but I still think I'm going to be mulling it over until close to the end of the sale. (I have no idea why I think

They published one of my absolute favourite comics of the last five years; Crossed: Wish You Were Here, which is downright ugly for considerable stretches, especially towards the end. Maybe that's just the way with Avatar; you have to squint past the crap art, and hope the writing turns out to be good enough that it

I use one of the cheaper Samsung Galaxy Tab 10" (two or three generations old, I think), and even if it doesn't have the sharpest display or the most power, it's a pretty amazing comic-reader. Since I mostly use it at home, I wouldn't mind an extra inch or two (display wise), but as far as I can tell, the range of

Aw, you can't embed the photo, but you can link to it, can't you? I'd love to see it.

Now I have to! Thanks for the push.

How was Survivor Club? Does it seem like it's going to be worth following for the long run?

I think I bought the first issue way back when, but Lemire's style came across as deeply jarring to me at the time. At least, it wasn't was I was looking for in single issue genre storytelling, so I didn't follow the series as it went along. I have a feeling it might read a lot better in bigger chunks. My current

Judging by some of the previews I've seen, I agree. The current editorial team seems very capable of turning the imprint around (to the degree that it needs turning around); Shelly Bond, Jamie Rich and Ellie Pyle alone make it an all-star (genre) bullpen.

Yeah, and I read most of those when they were coming out originally. Have you kept up with the stuff they've been putting out the last couple of years? I liked Hinterkind all right, but - perhaps mostly due to the art - it struck me as a bit generic.

Because of an abysmal turn in my local currency's exchange rate against just about anything else, I've had to rein in on my import purchases quite dramatically over the last year or so. This has again led to me giving up on following (US) comics as a weekly, current medium, and switching my reading over to Marvel

But only one at a time.

I will always support unprovoked snark aimed at Ray Donovan.

That sounds like an excellent, no, wait, a horrible idea for a situational comedy!

(Posted this over in the comments of the last Big Issues; but given that it's almost a week old, maybe I'll have more luck over here:)

In case any stragglers are still reading this thread: I'm debating whether or not to pull the trigger on the current Über sale over at Comixology. I bought the zero issue a while back, and was very underwhelmed by it (mostly due to the art, which was bad even by Avatar standards). I reread it just now because of the

I feel you re Inside Out. I'm usually quite adept at self-policing myself away from possible spoilers (and I'm not saying it's hard to accomplish; deep down I'm as much of a spoiler-phobe as the caricature; but most of the time, all it takes to avoid them is a bit of common sense), but sometimes you just can't help

Hey, Von Doviak, can you dial it back on the recappiness, please? I know a lot (okay, most) of the comments make it seem like we don't bother reading the review at all, but some of us actually do. And I, for one, really appreciate the TV Club house style where the plot recapping is woven into the critical analysis.

"A socialist IKEA thing"? Yeah, better watch out for those dirty commies and their capitalist ventures, Marah.

Judging from his Random Roles, I have no problem believing that he's the kind of person who would be able to do a targeted cigarette flick like that on the first try.