
I dunno, I didn't think the uniforms looked that weird.

Apparently, aggregators like Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes doesn't pick up single episode reviews, and lo, the TV Club's one-episode season reviews were born.

I have it on good authority that the downvote came from a jock, not a nerd.

That's some mighty impressive quoting there, Ben.

I was impressed by all the fancy camera work in the pilot. It's going to be really interesting to see how achievable that style is on a week-in, week-out basis. Would you consider digging into that a bit in next week's review, Allison? Kudos on a good first outing, and thanks for engaging with the rabble here in the

She really is. Also, with all the ugliness surrounding Hollywood's casting of female leads opposite aging male stars, it's great to see the show going with someone (at least roughly) the same age as Stamos.

That observation is spot on. If they had served up that montage in the usual, joke-ridden way, his concern and care when the baby got sick would have seemed a lot more jarring. How many times have we seen the same structure; with the central, up-to-that-point completely egotistical character suddenly showing empathy

That was a great interview, Marah. So many good and thoughtful questions; I especially appreciated the one about physical comedy. Physical comedy being written beforehand is something I'd never thought about, but of course there are huge logistical challenges to stuff like that on a big network show. I wish you would

Steven Moffat is too clever — if that's the right word — for his own (show's) good.

Anyone here been keeping up with the other Marvel animated shows? I caught an episode of the new (Ultimate?) Spider-Man, and wasn't too impressed. I understand there's been a lot of vitriol directed at both that one and the new Avengers show, but it's hard to tell sometimes with fan reactions; whether the hate stems

There's just something nice about a relatively low-level women's basket ball game having its very own relatively low level (but very charming) half-time dance entertainment. Also, I'm going to have that Missy Elliott song stuck in my head all day. Also also, The Cookbook is a severely underrated album. So many gems.

Never has the Disqus "one other person is typing" message filled me with more dread.

Man, these spambots are getting really creative.

Thanks! In case of any username confusion: I thought I was logged in with my AVC account, but somehow I posted with the Disqus one. Stupid rassinfrassin system.

From Fashion Nugget to Comfort Eagle, I was a casual-to-mildly-ardent Cake fan. I probably wouldn't have fallen for them today, but the zaniness ("The Distance", "I Will Survive") spoke to goofy fourteen-year-old me in a big way. And leavened in with all the quirk, there was this very particular sort of dry

Is Ignatiy now the hottest male staff member? Y / Y
(He's also a pretty amazing critic and filmmaker; sorry for the objectification, Mr. Vishnevetsky)

It really was. It's not hard to tell where that weird persistence came from, and I have no problem seeing that it would be hard to ditch fake-Stephen's interviewing habits after performing them for over a decade. But it's still disconcerting that Colbert and his producers haven't gotten closer to a workable interview

Yeah, he really needs to figure out his interview style quickly. It was hard to gauge from the premiere, since the Jeb (Jeb!) interview was always going to feel awkward, but last night's chats rarely rose above "cringey" on the scale.

That's okay, CBS owns the rights to the CW.

Surely Whovian must be one of those nemeses, with his distaste for hashtags?