
Not as long as Nickelback is around, no sirree.

Hey, it starts with the goatee, it ends with the 'dreads.

What, did Counting Crows have a vacancy you're trying to fill?

It's not too harsh.  Slash ought to send Billy Bailey (Axl's real name) into convulsions and pull Tracii Guns (the Guns in Guns N' Roses) off whatever housepainting or billboard maintenance gig he has going these days and do an L.A. Guns reunion.  Axl's been after Tracii for using Guns (he legally changed his last

Dude still owes me $19 for that canceled show at Pocono Downs in 1991 that wasn't insured.

Librium's some pretty heavy-duty stuff to mix with alcohol.  If she had been detoxing from alcohol and was on Librium to help her get through the withdrawal symptoms, adding alcohol in large amounts could definitely cause a seizure.

You're forgetting Off-The-Grid Angela and her horrific fleurchons.

The Indian from the Village People lives in my town.  He gets mightily upset when people don't recognize him, even though he doesn't wear the outfit 24/7.

I had an apartment like that.  It was a "railroad" apartment, where you had to walk through each room to get to the next.  I had my bed in the living room, too.

Totally off-topic, but THANK YOU, AV Club — I can comment again!  I wuv you guys! (sniff sniff, wipes away a tear)

Anderson's brother killed himself by jumping off a building.  And before Anderson was on CNN, he was hosting things like Celebrity Mole and I'm A
Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!

When I was growing up, we had this store up the street called Beb's, who sold paperbacks without covers (which I've learned in the years since means the publisher is getting screwed), with covers, and tons of magazines, most of which were months out of date.

You can get a ton of books for e-readers (Kindle, Nook, etc.) on the torrents.

Wait, I thought the ban was on sticky double-sided tape that models and real people use to keep their tops up?  Didn't we just have Tapegate a few seasons back?

Chelsea Handler's books are pretty funny; however, her show and her hosting skills just . . . aren't.

When iTunes took over the musical tastemaking of America, MTV gave up on video music.  Maybe it's time they gave up on the awards, too, since they don't play music, anyway.

I like Target for cardigan sweater sets and casual skirts and that's about it.  Unfortunately, their recent fashion lines haven't been built for women who are under 5"8' and don't wear heels.

Did you see that Carrie Fisher has lost 50 lbs. and her goal is to wear the Princess Leia metal bikini one more time?  A questionable goal at best, but hey, if she can get the body back, why the hell not, and charge the Star Wars fanatics $50 a pop for a pic and an autograph?

Alex, I remember my mom and her friends sitting around with that knitting pattern, making their own, around '76-'77.  They even made the pom-pom tassles for the sweaters, and chose the same "earth" (i.e., ugly) colors.  If they had known they'd be sold for this much money 30 years later, they would have kept them and

I'd like to check your credentials as High Lord of AV Club Bandwidth Usage, please.  Your own post isn't even fit to wipe your ass with.