
"Let It Go" and "Saturday Night (High and Dry)" are still two of the best damn rock songs of the 80s.

Jesus, singers and private planes. It's just a deadly combination.

Jesus, singers and private planes. It's just a deadly combination.

All the stuff people wanted to see in Breaking Dawn happened in the first part. They should have edited both down (haven't seen Part 2 yet, though it's sitting here) and left it one movie. At least the door wasn't left open for sequels . . .

All the stuff people wanted to see in Breaking Dawn happened in the first part. They should have edited both down (haven't seen Part 2 yet, though it's sitting here) and left it one movie. At least the door wasn't left open for sequels . . .

I keep getting him confused with Bradley Cooper. I'm blaming part of it on My Summer Spent In A Coma (with brain swelling and liver and kidney failure!) but the majority of my confusion springs from these shitty rom-com roles the two of them keep taking. I thought Gerard Butler was an action movie guy?

I keep getting him confused with Bradley Cooper. I'm blaming part of it on My Summer Spent In A Coma (with brain swelling and liver and kidney failure!) but the majority of my confusion springs from these shitty rom-com roles the two of them keep taking. I thought Gerard Butler was an action movie guy?

Great, Señor. I'll have "867-5309" running through my head all day!

Great, Señor. I'll have "867-5309" running through my head all day!

America only loves Gerard Butler buffed up with a Caesar haircut in armor making action films. It's hard to tell him and Bradley Cooper apart, both physically and with their choices of parts in shitty rom-coms.

America only loves Gerard Butler buffed up with a Caesar haircut in armor making action films. It's hard to tell him and Bradley Cooper apart, both physically and with their choices of parts in shitty rom-coms.

Well, Favreau's not doing it, so I'm not even sure this movie should be made. There's no need for another shitshow like X-Men 3.

Well, I guess someone in Zephyrhills, Florida, spent a lot of money at a flea market having that done on a car that was probably fit only to carry stewed tomatoes.  Traveling through the non-metropolitan parts of Florida is very much like falling into a wormhole.

Lemur and I saw someone who had a very elaborate "RIP Richard Dawson" memorial complete with his likeness and (I suppose) some of his words of wIsdom, along with the years of his birth and death, all on the rear window of an aged Kia Sportage. Driving from Tampa to Miami can be very informative sometimes.

Mithra heartily endorses this rating.

Christ, you all sound like Lemur, trying to explain the nuances of weaponry on a Saturday afternoon when all I want to do is drink copious amounts of vodka, read the National Enquirer and play Bejeweled. If it can't be installed on the dash or roof of a police cruiser, I'm not interested.

I was wondering when someone was going to pick up on that.

Very Gorton's Fisherman/On The Waterfront of him, stageclothes wise.  He got himself some nice silky ramy hair, too.  As for the performance . . . I was waiting for him to pull out his asthma inhaler during the video and give himself a few puffs.

Zoidberg's not FROM NJ/NY, he just lives there.  He's from Killadelphia, like Lemur and I.  We're not baseball fans, so we don't give a fuck about any of these three teams, but do NOT get Lemur started about living in Devils territory (we're a few exits from Bricktucky, Jacksonsippi and Howellbama, where Staten

You?  I could be his mom.  Adventuresicle, you're not blonde, fair, freckled and Irish-looking, are you?  (trying to remember who I was dating 21 years ago while I was still married . . . .)