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    It was a fucking goof, for Pete's sake. We had a huge pile of the shit. I appreciate the amateur chemistry and agree with you, but it was only done for the glory of it's sheer stupidity and pointlessness. I won't even go into the rest of the stuff we got into, but I'm certain People magazine would refer to it as "a

    I need a hydrospanner.

    It's actually a liquid, which is why it's difficult to properly apply as an advanced vaporizor is required. Strictly work-related handle and not intended to threaten.

    "…Simpson was an actress of rare, almost unprecedented vacuity…"

    Try this

    sammy vs. david
    Sammy Hagar strikes me as one slimy turd, but then I think of David Lee Roth and I can't be so harsh.

    If it was actually made of pimps, I might give it a shot. Like eating rhinocerous horn.

    The writing and topics at the avclub are getting damned good. It's downright humbling at times.

    Especially if it's playing on big screen at the Buttfucker's.

    You fuckers need a hobby. Other than wanking.

    Derisive laughter has it's own special power to heal.

    What way is this you have come, that the call of your own Mother falls bitterly on your ears?

    Well, for example, check out that one next to the earhorn.

    Had to pay. Really not much downside. Finished the appetizers. I'm strictly legit now so I'm just passing it along.

    It's over there behind the typewriter.

    In that case….

    The term might be gay pornster douchebag.


    If you are over 30, I'll buy in to your protection racket.

    You just tossed my recent conviction to see this in a cocked hat, sir.