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    Those ovaries are kind of killer, though.

    Lucky you don't have a penis or it would be the judge that was really bothered. Until he handed down the mandatory sentence. Then it would be back to you being bothered.

    See, I always thought of Rand as a romantic. You can read Atlas Shrugged as an illumination of her personal ideals and philosophy rather than a political dictate. There's something wrong with:

    That does read better.

    the big question
    Nothing about anal? Let's keep it real.

    Great Weekender: Who's Scarlett Johanssen Fucking Now?

    Didn't I read this in the Letters section in People?

    That's an excellent tactic.
    It sounds like Son of Straight Edge. I always got a odd vibe from the Parkour kids at the community college, now I know why. What's up home school?

    There was a useful aura around the wine coolers that made it much easier to buy at 15 without an ID.