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    SWEET time to be a repo man. The commission on that Dodge Colt? Not so great. The commission on that $600K yahct? Oooooo. And the white-collar types rarely pack heat, the worst you're looking at is a flare gun.

    I'll see your Peerless and raise you my Stumptown.

    Jeez, you'd think that opinions and critiques of movies were, like, subjective and shit. Odd that the AVClub hasn't moved on to a more rigorous, reproducible, and defensible grading methodology that relies on current pivot-table technology and regression analysis.

    But it's cool when 30 Rock does it constantly. That's in my ironic voice.

    So, you guys are mostly blacksmiths and whalers then? Because your ability to tolerate such hardship harkens back to days of yore, when men were men etc.

    Your low self-esteem is just good old common sense. Now dance for your master, scum.

    Look, Fabian! The rare back-to-back typos! Make a note of the barometric pressure and moon phase.

    Brian Cox is too obvious. Woody Harrelson?

    "So, in your occupation as a spool, you proceeded to…."

    You think the Grimm Brothers stories are light-handed?

    No. The novelty was entertaining for about 15 seconds, but the only reason this is listenable is that the tune and lyrics are good enough to overpower the Boys.


    I don't Bruce Campbell gives a flying fuck about your pass.

    I spent some time with Dave Matthews and a few bandmembers in his hotel room when he played in DC once. He was a nice guy, we talked about Zappa, I know they can play live…but I still can't stomach the music.

    I'm the dork that thinks Sherlock Holmes is gonna be worth it.

    You all realize that the lab results for H1N1 take like a week? We're looking at last week's numbers. What I'm saying is, you're soaking in it right now Madge.

    "Aaaaand go. There you go." as the Team Police director waits for his blowjob. That's a big weapon in my personal cultural reference arsenal.

    Ya know, Paprika was really good, but I ruined it for myself with insanely high expectations.

    Whoa! Premature evaluation. No one has had a chance to tell you what to think yet, genius.

    How about Jonny Lee Miller? Caught Hackers last night and remembered him from Trainspotting. Looks like it's been mostly TV for him lately.