
I was just watching a Banacek episode recently (oh those '70s styles, and Banacek's corded car phone!) and they had a similar scene. I guess it's one of those movie/TV shorthands that gets a point across despite not reflecting reality at all.

I saw it as a learning experience that Brother Theo was putting Sheridan through. Not necessarily a "dick move" more of a "let's see if you can live up to your convictions when they are put to the test."

Rowan - is there any reason that your grade isn't showing up on the review thumbnail and main photo?

I like Gethsemane better of the two, but both are in the B-B+ range. Brad Dourif pulls off a very tough role as Brother Edward and I think that makes Gethsemane better than it has any right to be. I also think the scene with Sheridan and Brother Theo at the end is pretty powerful. I do wish JMS had trusted his viewers

The thought that was running through my head was "why am I rooting for a murderous, incestuous couple to get together again at last!" That is some wicked story telling.

I'm pretty sure that "Taking the Stone" is where I gave up on watching Farscape the first time through. This time around, these reviews and discussions and the hope that the very next episode is apparently one of the best in the series are going to keep me going.

The "how many Centauri does it take to change a lightbulb" bit notwithstanding, I really enjoyed seeing a little bit of the "old" Londo when he is talking to Lennier in med-lab. Londo's character has turned so dark over the last season that is is good to see he might not be beyond redemption.

The ship design never bugged me that much, but when you hear the music swell and Sheridan say "it's beautiful", you do expect something . . . more.

I liked Matters of Honor better than Rowan did, though I agree with most of his criticisms. I think what saves it for me is the scene on Earth with Mr. Morden's/The Shadows ties to EarthGov & Psi Corps shown for the first time. That really added a new level of depth to the Earth conspiracy story line.

The story goes that JMS wrote the elevator bit with the expectation of Andreas playing G'Kar very angry and bitter, but Andreas and Peter Jurasik wanted to try it more humorously. When JMS heard the crew laughing hysterically, he went to check out what was going on. He loved the actors' take on the scene and that is

JMS wasn't sure the B5 audience would accept Bruce Boxleitner as a deep character at first since he was best known for light roles - especially in Scarecrow and Mrs. King. So, he started him out light, all smiles, orange juice, and hot showers; then developed his character's depth over time. It really did work out

What post is that?

Yes, not a pretty effect, but I cannot figure out how the reality of "falling" slowly in near zero gee would look. JMS thought there should have been more of a wind effect on Boxleitner, but I'm not sure there would have been much wind if he's moving slowly. So confusing!

Two more very solid episodes to end a much improved season 2. The character arcs for Londo and G'Kar are particularly amazing during this season and there is so much more to come!

One of the ways I can tell that "The Long, Twilight Struggle" was an excellent episode is that if it had been the season 2 finale, I would have been all fired up for season 3. Londo darkly ascendent, G'Kar and the Narn crushed, and apparently powerless, and the real introduction of Rangers and Army of Light.  What a

Unfortunately for B5, shortly after this episode John Schuck was cast in a major role in Hello Dolly! on Broadway so his character did not reappear nor was the Great Machine used nearly as much as JMS originally intended.

No, he is now a regular cast member of Cedar Cove which is the Hallmark Channel's foray into making a dramatic series.

Just in case any of you are in the Phoenix, AZ area and don't already know, next weekend is Phoenix Comicon and they are hosting a big B5 20th anniversary reunion. 13 actors (Bruce ((oops, Bruce cancelled this morning as he will be starting a new series next week)), Mira, Claudia, Jerry, Peter Jurasik, etc.) and JMS

JMS has stated that he wanted to get a bathroom scene into the series just because it was one of those things you never see on TV, let alone on a SF series.

I think a lot of the Thompson/Talia vs. Tallman/Lyta debate comes down to how you first came to the series. I started watching B5 during early season 3, so Lyta was the telepath I first saw and I vastly prefer her to Talia. I'm always fired up when Thompson finally disappears and I know I get to watch Pat Tallman for