
Ooh, I'd hate to see this B5 community end!

I really enjoyed Franklin's "second self" bitching himself out about the mistakes he made in the past. This had to be a well done scene or cutting to it from the big space battle would have really killed its impact. Nice job RB and JMS.

I can't decide if it's more of a compliment to B5 that the space battle sequence in Shadow Dancing is one of (if not THE) best ever on a TV series, or a criticism of more recent SF series that with the huge improvements to CGI it hasn't been blown out of the water.

No problem! You (we?) are so far above a mere Centauri pawn that it is not worth worrying your (our?) head over him.

The Zarg was supposed to stay hidden in darkness since JMS had learned that on a B5 budget a rubber monster suit looked like crap. Unfortunately, when the episode was shot, the fog and bright lighting wound up illuminating the "monster" far more clearly than intended.

I'm wondering where the "in the right time" Sheridan's personality is during this then?

Here's something I cannot figure out - look out timey wimey stuff ahead!

This (two part) episode is certainly in contention for my A+ if we're only allowed to give one. While Rowan talks about being too "clockwork," I'm just completely amazed at how well JMS managed to tie the B4 story together here despite all the changes that happened between season 1 and season 3.

In his Script book introduction to "A Late Delivery," JMS says something along the lines of this episode ending his fascination with writing about the Arthur Legend. I don't know how true that is, given that we get Excalibur in Crusade, but that's what he says.

I'm not going to set "Severed Dreams" down as the best episode of the entire series yet, since it's been several years since I've watched the whole thing, but I'd agree it's the best so far. I think I might like "Point of No Return" a little bit better as far as the writing goes and I love the Vir reveal, but "Dreams"

Yes, but it is fun to see Garibaldi getting all set to use the crates etc. as a solid piece of defensive ground and tell everyone to take position, only to see the Narn just keep on running toward the fight!

In JMS' script books, he talks about what a mess Exogenesis is. He blames it in part to a strike taking place when he was halfway through writing the script. While he was dealing with the strike, he totally forgot where he meant to go with the story and wishes he'd just given up and started on something new.

U.S. watcher who likes Marcus just fine.

I think I liked TWWW better than Crackers Don't Matter. I'm finally getting into this series after having given up my first go a couple years ago. Thanks for the assist TV Club!

I acknowledge that the "toddler psychology" bit doesn't stand up to much analysis, but it was all Ivanova had and I think the backbone she showed is refusing to take "Zog" for an answer did earn some respect from the First Ones. She has always been tough, but Voice of Authority really developed just how stubborn she

Much like Morden and Zathras, I'm always surprised at how little Bester actually appears on B5 compared to the impact he has on the series. While I think I would have liked to have seen more of all of them, you are right that this worked out fine just the way it is.

I think I might have a similar issue. I'm having a hard time
identifying with almost all of the regulars as they seem to change an
awful lot from episode to episode. I can understand what's going on
between the solar flares and Crichton's time in the chair, but it is
unsettling not to have a character or two who you

Yes, the scene between Lyta and Londo was pretty memorable. Always nice to see someone stand up to a bully like that!

I really liked that there was something "off" about the way his mouth worked as compared to what he was saying. No matter how alien the makeup is in any SF show, almost all aliens seem to have teeth & tongues that are very human-like. T'raaltix has something else going on there.

When Lyta returns to B5 at the end of the episode, Ivanova tells her that the killer confessed and the sentence was handed down quickly. She also says a couple of weeks have passed since Brother Edward's death. So, it wasn't about a day, it was about two weeks; which still seems awful fast.