Knifey James

It helps that Civil War has had several more movies of build-up (showing the growth of Cap's disillusionment with and Stark's growing trust in "the system"), while Dawn of Justice is introducing that issue *and one of the main characters* for the first time.

That's just what the lizard people want you to think.

I think they've even used that distinction to respond to criticism of inaccurate info on their talk shows.

He's Just Not That In To You was set in Baltimore, but I don't remember anyone having the accent. It was basically written the same as any other romcom, but with different proper nouns.

And we see plenty of Star Destroyers escape when the second Death Star blows up. It's not a big stretch to imagine them regrouping, then somehow joining with Snoke and redesigning their ships and uniforms over the next three decades.

The movie itself doesn't really explain how the Empire became the First Order, but it absolutely explains why Luke, Han and Leia aren't still at the Ewok luau 30 years later: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo's turn to the dark side ended Han and Leia's relationship and sent Luke in to exile, which puts R2-D2 in to a grief coma and

And because you'll need to see the setup in Episodes VII & VIII to understand the conclusion in IX. It's not as though New Hope and Empire Strikes Back were five hours of wheel-spinning leading up to Jedi.

I haven't seen Creed, but how is Fury Road not guilty of the same thing as Marvel/Star Wars? Furiosa's plotline is resolved and she with the rest of the brides will presumably lives happily-ever-after, but Max walks off with the implication that there will be more car chases to come.

Why write a thinkpiece when you can stare at a wall?

It's not really new to Star Wars, either. Lucas was inspired by Flash Gordon serials, and Return of the Jedi is the only movie out of Lucas' Star Wars movies (all pre-MCU) that don't have some sort of tease of the next adventure. Even the original ends with the heroes getting medals… and Darth Vader flying away.

Particularly being a young person, who are less religious across the board.

Lichenstein's Wikipedia page contains this delightful passage on "Security and Defense":

(White) gay men's culture "borrows" a lot from black culture, too.

It'll be the Kardashians getting away, thus necessitating keeping up with them.

Oh, god… the thinkpieces…

It's apples-to-oranges. I'm not a sports fan, but I could rattle off the names of a few winners and plenty of the participating teams for certain years, but I couldn't tell you what time of year the NBA Finals are. Interrupting the Super Bowl seems sacrilegious/treasonous.

One of the guests on the Star Wars Minute podcast is a writer for one of the current crop of comics, and he's talked about the process of using old-cannon characters and information in the new cannon. It's usually very minor things, but they're all cleared by Disney as to whether they contradict any plans to explore

I hear that man is first-class.

Might not have had a character name attached at that point — I'm sure someone at Hasbro just tossed some Scrabble tiles across their desk to name "Cantina patron #3".

Or it's parents' weekend at Princeton.