"Belle? Check. Sebastian? Check. Okay, let's go!"
"Belle? Check. Sebastian? Check. Okay, let's go!"
But it works; as a kid, it never occurred to me that I hadn't seen those characters in a movie, nor did I know what a 'brer' was.
Or someone tweeting while watching cable news.
Well there was a scene with Biff in a barber shop…
I totally misunderstood the meaning of that; I saw "the mole" super imposed over the soldier's face and kept waiting for it to be revealed he was a German spy (particularly when the French soldier was being accused).
Maybe, but then again maybe it's as well done as in the first season and they chose those shots because people responded so much to the nostalgia in the first season.
He already has one, but is hiding it under his golf muumuu.
True, but the movie used the line-up of team members and zords from the first season rather than adapting a more recent one or creating a new one.
The target audience on this was so unclear; it was based on a show for 7 year olds, but was rated PG-13, even though teens today didn't grow up with the original Power Rangers, and it didn't seem aimed at the generation that was 7 when it originally came out.
She doesn't send candy canes, she just gets them.
Serena Cha-Cha for All-Stars 3!
You don't get to call them that, only they get to say it!
Dr. Jekyll is an odd choice for their "Nick Fury" since he's more like the Hulk. And he either a) won't transform in the movie, which is a missed opportunity, or b) does transform and it's a huge detour from the main plot.
The Mummy Meets the Velociraptors
He has to steal a tape of the president admitting to sexual assault, which would surely end the president's career.
I like the Goldeneye score! It gels with both the post-Soviet grime and techno-thriller sides of the movie.
As wholesome as it's reputation was, some of the "very special episodes" were pretty serious, even if there was usually a happy ending. Off the top of my head, there was huffing spray paint, an alcoholic aunt screaming at one of the kids about the key to the liquor cabinet, the dad got shot and a classmate of one of…
[funky bass music]
I finished the book last week. I'd heard about the gangbang as an unnecessary low point in an otherwise fine book. As I got deeper in to the book and dreading this scene, I started to think maybe people had been pulling my leg. Then, after nearly 1000 pages… there it is. Yikes!
Or Waffle House, depending on what part of the country you're in.