Knifey James

Hey, any day now, Trump is going to divulge all of the great plans he's going to enact and the great people he's going to hire.

Has he tried using a ladder to enter through a window?

"melt product"

I wonder how much of that atmosphere is because of the number of candidates on the stage; the Republican debates are a clown-car with different rosters every time, with poll numbers rising and falling and candidates dropping out, so it's hard for the candidates to know who's a rival and who's cannon fodder. The

Not after The Living Daylights

Oh boy… One of my college roommates had one of those moulds. She probably got it as a gag gift. One day, someone uses it and puts it in the sink.

I mean, you do realize that people continued to be born after you, right? There are new people being born at this very moment, and they'll have their own cultural moments that won't resonate with the generation after them.

Florida already has plenty of football teams.

Maybe Gunn listens to a lot of podcasts, but it would also be cool if PFT was on his radar because he's so stylish.

See me after class.

And good Buzzfeed to you, my good sir!

Not being introduced to Star Wars until the Special Editions came out, I didn't appreciate this until listening to the Star Wars Minute podcast. There's an episode where they talk about the period between 85 and 95 when it fell out of vogue and most of the merchandise went away, save for the books. It's hard to

The mountain lion gets a mil per episode.

Time to bear up.

Actors and comedians who get asked the same questions in every interview are probably all being asked the same sets of cliché questions, so there probably won't be a lot of surprising responses there. Unless they interview someone with a big boil on their face that always gets asked about that.

Twice as many children in a trench coat.

They'd have been stupid to schedule like this pre-DVR/Hulu, but now it's not an issue of choosing which to watch, but what to watch live.

Right, but if the cure isn't as permanent as previously thought, and there's some zombie-ism lingering in his body, maybe it could still be passed on.

No, but Laurie Metcalf has.

Just step in to the bike line and extend your arm to relieve a cyclist of their bike.