I don't see many Vespas around Brooklyn. It's much cheaper to replace a stolen bike, and you can still look whimsical if you have the right model.
I don't see many Vespas around Brooklyn. It's much cheaper to replace a stolen bike, and you can still look whimsical if you have the right model.
Fish are friends, not food.
The book came out a decade ago. It's more of a zombie story than the direction that Kingsman took.
2000 Hamilpounds
Right; it's not a matter of who tells the story better, it's who gets it out first. Case in point: the Steve Jobs biopics. The Fassbender one was DOA because Kutcher beat him to the punch.
She owes her youthful appearance to daily goop baths.
They could use clips from his audiobooks. The ship's computer has a lot of opinions about fries, and getting your own damn.
Needs more slide whistle.
I Was There Too may be my favorite podcast. The episode with the bus passengers from Speed is a highlight, too.
I had no idea that was her hair; I thought it was a hat.
I've seen toys of the original Rangers at Target. Whether that's because they factor in to the current show or the original show is airing in reruns, I don't know.
She was busy extolling the merits of internment camps.
There's definitely a sitcom family template, even beyond "fat husband, slim wife". Why do they always have three kids, usually two daughters and a son?
Urkel also made an appearance on Full House… but he didn't use his time machine to go back and save the mom, or stop Stephanie from driving a car in to the kitchen.
I can see Jeb being the Biden to Rubio's Obama, to counter the concerns about his age/inexperience.
We should cancel the election and make the presidency like jury duty.
It would have been better if it had just been B-roll of roller coasters for half an hour.
And Yahoo Scre—
(loses $40 mil)
Toward the end, they went to space and traveled through time. It's not inconceivable that if the show had continued, they might have jumped to an all-Carl universe to teach Carl a be-careful-what-you-wish-for lesson.